Somebody Stop By Tom’s House and Pick Up the Crown. We Need It Back.

June 09, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


For a long time, there was no contest on who was the most insane and corrupt Texas Congressman.  Tom DeLay held that title and the crown and robe that went along with it.

“And, boy howdy, he wore it proudly,” Juanita remembers fondly.  “Tom was so crazy that there wasn’t even a runner up.”

But, now, every Republican Congressvarmint in Texas is vying for Tom’s title.  They are doing well.  There’s Yachting Randy Neugebauer and we lay claim to Ron Paul and his offspring.   We’ve got Leo Burman, who thinks that God hates us and gave us Obama to prove it.  We’ve got Snookered Pete Olson and Prissy John Cornyn.  The adolescent Jeb Hensarling comes to mind and  now you can add John Culberson.

Culberson, who is so slick that he can’t keep his socks up, just loves him some big oil political contributions.  Since his district is landlocked, I suspect he felt pretty darn safe in saying —

Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) took his opposition to the Obama Administration’s decision to enact a six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico directly to the President Wednesday, sending him a letter that asked him to view the ongoing BP oil spill in its “proper historical context as a statistical anomaly.”

“A statistical anomaly?  Well, that sure makes me feel better,” Juanita announced.   “Up until now, I thought it was a catastrophic killer.  But now I know it’s just numbers.  Black pencil marks on white paper.  Simple.  Not threatening.  In fact, nice and crisp.”

She paused and then slowly turned red from her feet upward until she blurted, “People died, you damn fool.”

Texas:  Are they crazy when we elected them or does being a Republican congressman make them that way?

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