Somebody Needs Some Cash And I’m Not Saying It’s Donald Trump, But It’s Donald Trump

May 31, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, he’s selling off his other airplane.  The little (9 Seater) jet, probably to pay for the renovations to his big ole honker airplane with gold plated seatbelts.

I just thought you might want to go have a look at it before some Saudi pays five or six times its worth. It’s a nine seater that is called sky rocket because it goes so fast.

I kinda think Trump should have kept it around, so he could fly his supporters to come visit him in prison.  A couple of the seats will be empty, and I don’t think his Trump Force One will be kind on his dwindling bank account.


0 Comments to “Somebody Needs Some Cash And I’m Not Saying It’s Donald Trump, But It’s Donald Trump”

  1. Are you sure that’s Trumps?
    Of course he does prefer the really gaudy and “large” things to
    make up for his incredibly sick ego, but the 9 Seater almost looks normal. What—-did they strip the fake masterpieces out
    and remove the tassels?

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Not sure which seat trumpf puts his fat ass in when he flies in it. Looks like the gold plated toilet is in the back so I’m trying to picture him having to bend down to waddle down the aisle to relieve himself. It’s an ugly picture in my mind. Imagine sitting in one of those seats as his wide body butt brushes by you. Ugh

  3. John in Lake Oswego says:

    Further such imagining is strictly prohibited!

  4. slipstream says:

    So comforting to see the beer can holders in the cockpit.

  5. Sandridge says:

    Steve from Beaverton @2, Gaaakk, somebody pass the brain bleach stat!…
    DiJioT’s Boeing 757 has a rather checkered history too, being laid up for long periods for, ahem, ‘maintenance’…
    And then there’s that famous fitting picture of the shortlived Trump Airlines jet with tail pointing skyward, whose nosegear collapsed.

    Shades of Komrade Donnei’s history around 1989-91.
    He had bought a 281′ yacht, the “Trump Princess’ [NKA: Kingdom 5KR], for about $30million clams, plus maybe another $10-15mil+ for refit. and quickly ran into ‘financial difficulties’.
    He was forced into selling the yacht for about $20million, such an ‘Art of the Deal’…hey, if you can’t lose half your investment it ain’t no fun [wonder how he finagled the tax aspects of that?].
    A real Fable Genius.

    “She was originally built as Nabila for Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi… During her days as Nabila, she was featured in the James Bond movie Never Say Never Again,[3]”

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    For the link to “Trump Farce One”, my mind sorta went into a spin at the phrase “and the headrests and pillows have been etched with the Trump family crest”. So many possibilities for that crest: Obese slobs with AR-15s and bullet-proof vests that don’t quite close over their beer bellies, marching with on a field of bankruptcy filings rampant? Long listings of East European mail-order brides? Trump wielding a sharpee against a hurricane threatening all of the US (including Alaska)? Crossed crutches to commemorate the bone spurs that spared him any military service?

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    “Trump family crest” made me crack up… does one have a crest when one’s family name is NOT actually Trump, but Drumpf? Or is that yet another thing one simply orders on the internet?

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    You can design your own.

  9. Sandridge says:

    In the news today, speaking of Citations :
    A Cessna Citation X 560 crashed in Virginia.
    The rather strange flight path, destined for Long Island, NY, which deviated greatly from the flight plan,
    took the aircraft over DC, which is restricted airspace.
    F-16s were scrambled and found the pilot unresponsive. The F-16s escorted the plane until it ran out of fuel and crashed in rural mountainous western Virginia.
    Unfortunately, the owner’s daughter, granddaughter, and nanny were aboard too; the owner and wife were not aboard.

    [I watch the “Mayday” series on the Quest TV network and it recently had an account of a Greek Helios 737 that also had a similar fate, with 121 dead: ]
