Somebody Get This Man a Hobby

January 04, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is kinda pathetic. Well, maybe I should say more pathetic than usual.

He doesn’t have anything to do all day so he’s taking up issues deeply important to our country and our justice system:  pot and Hillary.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions has rescinded an Obama-era policy that paved the way for legalized marijuana to flourish in states across the country, creating new confusion about enforcement and use just three days after a new legalization law went into effect in California.

President Donald Trump’s top law enforcement official announced the change Thursday. Instead of the previous lenient-federal-enforcement policy, Sessions’ new stance will instead let federal prosecutors where marijuana is legal decide how aggressively to enforce longstanding federal law prohibiting it.

Now let me see if I have this straight.  Republicans, especially Sessions, are big states rights people.  They think that states ought to be making decisions about your life. Unless, of course, those states start making decisions that Republicans don’t like.

And if spoiling everybody’s fun isn’t enough, the Justice Department has decided that … oh dear God in Heaven Above … Hillary’s emails.

Justice Department officials are taking a fresh look at Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she served as secretary of State, The Daily Beast has learned.

An ally of Attorney General Jeff Sessions who is familiar with the thinking at the Justice Department’s Washington headquarters described it as an effort to gather new details on how Clinton and her aides handled classified material.

Oh hell, there you sit worried about nuclear holocaust, climate change, and having a fruitcake for president when you should be worrying about Hillary’s emails.

Somebody please slap Jeff Sessions.  That man child with the sweet voice has done got on my last nerve.


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