Somebody Ain’t Tuned In On The Same Channel As Everybody Else

August 26, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

British Prime minister Boris Johnson warned everybody that he was going to go after Trump last weekend over his trade war.  Well, he chickened out.

I think the G7 Summit mostly decided to walk on eggshells for the weekend.



“Ever so gingerly, as if determined not to rouse the American’s well-known temper, the other Group of 7 leaders sought to nudge him toward their views on the pressing issues of the day, or at least register their differences — while making sure to wrap them in a French crepe of flattery, as they know he prefers.”

And when asked if there was criticism to his Trade War, Trump responded …

“No, not at all,” he said. “I haven’t heard that at all, no. I think they respect the trade war.” He added: “The answer is, nobody has told me that, and nobody would tell me that.”

Nobody would tell him that?  That’s creepy-talk.

And the upside news for Trump?  He’s going to make money off the meeting in the US next year.  But, you figured that already, didn’t you?

The Washington Post reports that Trump wants Doral Country Club.

In a press conference, Trump said that his staff had scoured the country and determined that — of all America’s resorts and resort towns — Trump’s own club was the best-situated to host the international meeting.

“They went places all over the country and they came back and said, ‘This is where we’d like to be,’” Trumps aid. “It’s not about me. It’s about getting the right location.”

I guess nobody would tell him that Doral wasn’t the best.

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0 Comments to “Somebody Ain’t Tuned In On The Same Channel As Everybody Else”

  1. charles phillips says:

    Doral? Oh, HELLLLLLLLL NO!

  2. captain dan says:


  3. RepubAnon says:

    The Doral – now with “emoluments” (at an additional charge).

  4. At least Trudeau’s one on one with one of the Trump’s went well at the G7:


    How sad, Melanie gazing at her loved one while her father disapproves.

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Translation: Doral’s teetering on Chapter 11 and this is the only way the Stable (Business) Genius can think to save it.

  7. Can he get rid of the bedbugs by then ?

  8. Yet another echo from tricky dick.
    Don’t even consider the money he will make for charging outragous prices but look at how much will be spent by the US for “security” upgrades and general refurbishment for the facility to bring it up to standards for a G7 meeting.

    By the way has the doral’s kitchen passed standard florida states health and safety inspections?
    Send all the leaders home with food poisoning?

  9. Oldymoldy says:

    Yeah! The Melanie/Justin thing…
    We haven’t seen a smile like that from her in many years‽
    He must give her quite a, ah… boner!!! y’know!

  10. Good thing Ivanka wasn’t there. Might have been a catfight over Justin. Oh heck, I wish she had been. Imagine the entertainment – Ivanka vs Melania. (My bet would have been on Ivanka.)

  11. Even Rick Santorum came out against Doral.

    How much more?

    As Jerry Clower said when trapped in a tree with an opossum,” Shoot up here boys, one of us gotta get some relief!”
