Some ‘Splaining

April 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As most of you have heard by now, the Texas Democratic Party won the lawsuit against The King Street Patriots and True the Vote.  These rightwing groups tried to claim they were non-profits instead of political action committees.  No kidding.  It was a damn hoot.

Republican lawyers went in the courtroom with a straight face and said, “Yes, we are trying to deny voting right to Hispanics, blacks, old people, and students as a kind of public service.  We don’t even expect to make a profit off voter suppression because that’s just the kind of nice people we are.”

So, now what are the Republicans doing?   Listen up.  Hear that sound of a spoon being banged on a highchair tray?  That’s Republicans in Texas.

The Judge wasn’t fair.  The newspapers aren’t fair.  Travis County is not fair.  My kindergarten teacher wasn’t fair.  The weather is not fair.  The law is not fair.  Waaaaa….

In fact they were so upset that they were stuttering writing.

Check this out from a highly indignant Republican Brandon Darby:

That last sentence is work of art.  Not only does it just kinda end mid thought, the beauty of “The often left leaning Houston Chronicle — considered by many to lean left…” is so fabulous that I may start writing like that myself.

Hey Darby, does the Chronicle lean left?

By the way, Darby is one mood swinging character.  He used to be a lefty, but lost all his writing skills and became a Republicans.  He also blogs over Andrew Breitbart’s website.

And I love the whole rant against the judge because he’s a Democrat.   Cool.  Does that mean we shouldn’t take Obamacare to the Supreme Court because they’re Republicans?  Let’s play fair, Darby.

Thanks to Brian for the heads-up.

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