Some Creepy Breaking News

December 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I just got word from the best of sources that Kesha Rogers, a Lyndon LaRouche Goofball who wants to impeach President Obama, has filed to run as a Democrat for the United States Senate against John Cornyn.

Kesha and her favorite Hilter/Obama sign

Kesha and her favorite Hilter/Obama sign

In case you’re wondering what the LaRouchies are, they are a cult plain and simple, who believe, among other tin foil hat things, that the Queen of Damn England rules the world.  Honey, she can’t even rule her family.  Around here, they stand in front of the post office all day with big signs saying to impeach Obama.  They love, love, love that Hitler mustache thing and think it’s hysterically funny.

Kesha is an African American woman who’s made duplicity an art form.  She ran for Tom DeLay’s old seat twice and, of course, lost both times.  She campaigns as an Impeach Obama candidate in the white community and a caring, loving black woman in the African American community.  She’s slicker than snot on a doorknob.

She calls President Obama “criminally insane.”

Wait a minute.  She follows a guy who has been convicted for mail fraud (once), credit card abuse and obstruction of justice (another time), believes the 911 attacks were an inside job, and who even Jim Bakker claimed, “to say LaRouche was a little paranoid would be like saying that theTitanic had a little leak.”

Well, I see at least she’s an expert on the criminally insane.

More to come.

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0 Comments to “Some Creepy Breaking News”

  1. Braxton Braggart says:

    My recollection is that the last two times she ran, she won the Democratic primary outright, with a flat majority of votes. I don’t know if Michael “No, I Just Stopped to Ask for Directions” Berry and his fellow right-wing talkers were encouraging cross-over votes in those races, but that’s pretty clearly what happened.

    The other thing to watch for is changes to her campaign website. In the past she’s put up all sorts of whackadoodle stuff about putting military bases on the moon and (as you say) the Queen of England, but she also scrubs it frequently as the campaign goes on.

  2. Carrying that sign must get heavy for Kesha. Let me be the first to suggest she just get up in the morning, put on a tee shirt that says “Houston, We Have a Problem,” then add a mustache above her own lip with magic marker, mascara, whatever she has handy near the bathroom mirror. And, it would have the added benefit of putting some truth in her advertising.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Kesha Rogers. God Love her. Such a lovely young woman. She looks like she could have been a sweet elementary school teacher. Too bad no one ever helped her with that whole paranoia issue.

  4. Angelo_Frank says:

    The “LaRouchies” were out in front of my local Post Office a couple of weeks ago with the same sign. I got into a slight verbal altercation with them and they kept explaining they weren’t Republicans. I was really irritated that they parked their old derelict Buick in a handicapped space with their “Impeach Obama” signs leaning against it.

  5. Braxton Braggart says:

    “I was really irritated that they parked their old derelict Buick in a handicapped space with their “Impeach Obama” signs leaning against it.”

    Did you explain to them that those spaces were not intended for the reality-impaired?

  6. The mentally, morally, and logically disabled, maybe?

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Jim Bakker was married to Tammi Faye who spent enough viewer funds on make-up to have bought every major mascara company in the world. Bakker prolly isn’t the best judge of character around. OTOH he was bumping knees with Jessica Hahn who was bumping knees with Sam Kinnison. Maybe Sam and Tammi Faye are bumping knees in Purgatory or where ever. Jessica found a new career. Jim Bakker found a new television flock to fleece after prison and god is in his heaven and the czar is far away.

  8. She may claim she’s not a Repug, but she darned sure comes off as one and is probably a huge embarrassment to them. Just the image they deserve: insane.

  9. I cannot believe that Lyndon LaRouche is still around or that he has followers. He’s batshit crazy and has been ever since I can remember. The fact that he calls himself a Democrat makes me sick. I’m going to have to add him to Oprah’s group of old, white, racists who will just have to die because nothing is going to change their minds.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    That woman has several screws loose.

  11. @e platypus onion

    Jim Bakker was Lyndon LaRouch’s cellmate in prison. LaRouch also ran for President while he was in prison.

  12. Well acquainted here in Northern Virginia with Lyndon LaRouche and his posse. They once had a really nice place in the hunt country. Get that? The hunt country. And he changed his party affiliation more often and quicker than Taylor Swift changes boyfriends. Well, like attracts like and thus there is Kesha. LaRouche actually had to leave that lovely place he was in and he seemed to be in one damn hurry when he did. The man is more cracked than a witch’s mirror!

  13. She should be reported to the Postal Service Inspectors. When I worked for the Post Office, things like this were definitely not allowed.

  14. Does she carry that sign in the African American neighborhoods? I’d like to watch.

  15. Angelo_Frank says:

    Evidently, the Larouchies have an obsession with setting up their little protests, with the same signs, at post offices around the country. It appears to be legal as long as they don’t obstruct the entrances.

  16. fierywoman says:

    The LaRouchies set up in front of my P.O. up here in WA state and they put a mustache on whoever is the current president of the US. I am no supporter of GW Bush but even I protested that!
    Note to TX Dem party: buy a billboard in the African American district she is trying to run in and put up this picture. And, of course, run a good Dem against her.


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