Sobbin’ John
Up until now I wondered what part of the Affordable Care Act was it that John Boehner doesn’t understand. You’d think he know what an Act is, so I figured that wasn’t it. Care seemed to be the culprit because he doesn’t.
But now we know for a fact that it’s the Affordable he’s having problems with.
In his attempt to make a point, Boehner went online to sign up for the Affordable Care Act.
He whines, whines, whines about how difficult it is to sign up.
“Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president’s health care law,” he wrote. “Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this ‘internal server error’ screen”:
We are so impressed that he can use a computer. Well, get a grip, John.
A writer for Salon got on the ACA site and pretended to be you. What he found is that you’d save a boat load of money even being a 604 year old man who is a chain smoker.
If he’d decided to enroll in Ohio, his options would be generally cheaper. The plans available in Butler County, where he resides, start at just $203.51 a month for a 64-year-old, or 1.1 percent of his annual income.
They have all the numbers here.
Apparently, a day later he got through just fine and purchased a plan. He did not mention the great savings. Of course not.
Thanks to Elizabeth Moon for the heads up.