
April 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump Twittered …



Ya gotta wonder why Trump is so upset about the “leaks.” If it totally exonerates you, why not make copies and give them away on the White House lawn?

Trump also said that he hasn’t read the report although he “has every right to.”  Dude, you’ve never read 400 pages of anything in your life.  Maybe not even 400 pages total in your whole life.  Hell, you haven’t even read The Rules of Golf and it’s only 150 pages in giant print.


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0 Comments to “So…?”

  1. Sam in St Paul says:

    I remember when noted rape-enabler Ken Star leaked grand jury testimony in an effort to hurt Bill Clinton. I’ve never heard one Republican criticize him for his illegal actions.

  2. Larry from Colorado says:

    Yesterday’s Denver Post had a long article by Rick Reilly about how grossly 45 cheats at golf.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    With guys like Jay Sekulow and Rudy G having advised IQ4.5, it’s not surprising they’ve been unable to stop the dotard from wearing his consciousness of guilt like a sandwich board.

  4. “… sources no longer matter to our corrupt and dishonest…”

    Speaking of sources, where did Trump say his father was born? Does it matter?

  5. There’s good evidence that the trumpkin can’t read, much less read 400pages!

  6. Help me here, as I’m still fuzzy regarding the facts. How did our (once great) nation come to be led by a clueless, moronic ass? Are we really inhabited by so many thoughtless citizens that he could be elected to something other than “Chief Roadkill Cleaner?”

  7. He wouldn’t/couldn’t read 400 pages unless it were 400 pages of lavish praise. Even then he’d only read a paragraph per day, and hand out laminated copies like they were electoral maps.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    They say he tends to read things where his name is mentioned. I imagine it comes up a lot in Mueller’s report.

    That said, he probably hasn’t read all four pages of Barr’s whitewash. Too busy watching Fox & Friends.

  9. Name a five letter word for idiot: Answer. “Trump”

  10. I found this on another site. It was written by middle age riot @middleageriot. His musings regarding trump are spot on and generally hilarious.

    “For a while, Donald Trump was receiving intelligence briefings i the form of Bazooka Joe comics, but he had to stop because he can’t read and chew gum at the same time.”

    That about sums him up perfectly!

  11. While it’s fun to pretend that tRump is stupid, illiterate, or uneducated. He isn’t.
    He’s a moderately well-educated (by American standards) bigoted psychopath well within the range of half the American population.
    Try reading up on the state of education here, secondary and collegiate. It might surprise you how idiotically ideological our teaching and university social sciences have become. The war on critical thinking is in full flower. jordanbpeterson . com

  12. Arakasi says:

    I have actually read up on the state of education today and we are actually not doing too bad on the whole. We’re certainly doing better at teaching critical thinking than we did in my generation.
    The problem is that you are referencing Jordan Peterson. The man can be forgiven for getting everything he writes about evolutionary biology laughably wrong. What I find inexcusable is that he is often stupifyingly wrong when he writes about psychology, which is the field he is supposed to be teaching.

  13. Let us go back and view the misinformation, lies and excuses of all those idiots that praised barr as a “professional” who holds the “law” as sacrosanct.
    Considering his past successful obstruction of justice to keep perjurer poppa out of jail and the corrupt thuglican administration under cover this deferment to power of a connected old rich twit is unforgivable.
    I fear that when barr’s time comes people will, like they did with perjurer poppa -addled ronnie and tricky dick to name a few, deify him in death with selective memories thus legitimizing his actions as basically a mob lawyer.
    For the deplorables one cannot expect more from the intellectually challenged, morally deficient and ethically bankrupt.
    But look at the d’s and the supposedly neutral arbiters of law who fell over themselves in baseless compliments to his totally absent commitment to law and ignored his role in protecting perjurer poppa from going to jail.

  14. This group of liars and crooks just lie about everything.
    The FCC just put out a report from drumpf pet ajit pai, chair of the FCC claiming only 25+ million people do not have access to broadband. This does not include the number who because of artificially high costs that fatten the telecoms bottom line. But MS ( hardly a paradigm of virtue) has shown that the number is 162+Million who do not have access to broadband.
    Others have chimed in on the bogus nature of this report. this is fter the admin has shoveled $22 billion into the coffers of its select group of digital crooks. Such as charter, comcast etc.
    All the better to keep the public ignorant and unaware.
    They are just incapable of any honesty or ethical behavior.
