So Whaddya Do When You Rank 1.1% On The CPAC Straw Poll?

March 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You question Hillary Clinton’s “loyality.”

You know how President Obama is an illegal alien Muslim from Kenya?

Well, it appears that Hillary Clinton is an Algerian sympathizer.

The Clinton Foundation accepted money from Algeria after the Haiti earthquake.  The entire donation was spent on Haiti.

That gives Rick Perry an idea …

“I think it falls flat in the face of the American people when it comes to, are you going to trust an individual who has taken that much money from a foreign source? Where’s your loyalty?” Perry said in an interview that aired on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Rick Perry, the world’s biggest pay to play goofball, is questioning someone else’s loyalty.  That’s so cute.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “So Whaddya Do When You Rank 1.1% On The CPAC Straw Poll?”

  1. Ricky, I kinda think it depends on what they used the money for and how transparent they were about it. Openly helping earthquake victims = Good. Crony capitalism a la Perry = Bad.

  2. Bless his heart. He’s finally a 1%er.

  3. When a rePUKEian says you are terrible, it is the same thing as normal people giving you high praise.

  4. Repub’s can’t conceive that charity donations go to the needy .

  5. Teh Gerg says:

    The terrifying thing is that he was elected repeatedly to the highest office in his state and could be elected President because of a majority butt-ignorant electorate.

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    Icky is upset because the money wasn’t donated to him.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I sure would hate to be wandering around from now until the 2016 elections letting jewels like that fall from my mouth.

  8. How much money from a “foreign source” has Perry taken? Psycho Barbie? McCain? JEB? W? HW? the Great Ronald Rayghun? Give me an f’ing break. I was born at night but I wasn’t born last night.

  9. maryelle says:

    On balance, how much good has the Clinton Foundation accomplished, Nigerian money for Haiti notwithstanding, as opposed to how much the Accused Felon has?
    Perry does not want to go there.

  10. Just wonderin’….. Is Israel…. a “foreign source”…. if so, the entire Republican Party ….. is guilty… along with a lot of Democrats…

    Reminds me of an old adage….”better to keep quiet and… be thought a fool… than to speak…… and remove all doubt”.


  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, Psycho Barbie? Was she the one on stage at CPAC who appeared to be wearing a short black bondage Naugahyde skirt with the long lacy slip showing?

    Although CPAC doesn’t count for much in the way of prognostication, are Perry and the Outlaw Jersey Whale now eliminated?

  12. daChipster says:

    Yeah, Rickie, because you can’t trust those Oranians.

    If only – IF ONLY – someone could hold up a map of the world and say, hey, P comma Rick, point out Algeria and Haiti on the map, will ya? It’s 6-to-5 and pick-’em whether he can even find the right continent for each.

    In fact, he probably couldn’t tell the difference between Albania and Algeria. Could you?

    Can you tell the difference between Albania and Algeria?
    (answers later – no fair peaking – see how you do)

    1) Which one is on the Mediterranean?
    2) Which one belonged to the Ottoman Empire?
    3) Which one is majority Sunni Islam?
    4) Which one has been shifting from socialism to free market economy since the 90’s?
    5) Which one is a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic, and which a unitary semi-presidential republic?
    6) And which is actually a republic in name only?
    7) Which one has as its base unit of currency the lek? Which the dinar?
    8) Which one has Prime Minister Sellal? Prime Minister Rama?
    9) Which one is closer to Israel?
    10) Which one has part of the Atlas Mountains?
    11) Which has ski resorts?
    12) Which has the greater per capita GDP?
    13) Which one is a NATO ally?
    14) Which one almost collapsed due to Ponzi money scams?

  13. Dang, Chipster, I was still trying to get past “falling flat in the face of the American people”…. but I think I can answer about nine of them correctly.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    daChipster, Rick says he scored 100% on your test, but he thought it was a little odd that all the answers were A.

  15. @PKM
    That would be affirmative, sir.

  16. @daChipster
    You ask poor little brain dead pRicky a difficulot question, to wit, “Can you tell the difference between Albania and Algeria?” Harsh I say. Too harsh. pRicky would have trouble enough comparing and contrasting Alpine and Abilene.

  17. Annabelle Lee says:

    I’m still stuck on “falls flat in the face of the American people.”

    What does that MEAN?

  18. He gets crazier and crazier with every day that he gets further from his old office. It called withdrawal syndrome. There are meds for that.

  19. daChipster says:

    To be fair, I knew a few of these, and came up with the rest while googling:

    1) Both – “Albania, Albania, you border on the Adriatic” (an arm of the Mediterranean)
    2) Both – them Ottomans: they were full of badassery. And good upholstery. Presumably to promote betterassery.
    3) BOTH! Although it’s 57% in Albania, something like 128% in Algeria.
    4) Both – who knew?
    5) who cares, all you need to know is….
    6) Algeria is an oligarchy in all but name, much like us
    7) Lek is Albania, Dinar is Algeria. Confusing, right? because you already knew that Macedonia has a dinar, as did Bosnia and Croatia. But I fooled you!
    8) Sellal is Algeria, Rama is the other one.
    9) Albania! let’s think about THAT for a minute. Okay, time’s up.
    10) Algeria. The Atlas range is in Africa. Albania has part of the Alps. Sooo….
    11) BOTH! Ski Algeria! They’ll be piste if you don’t. (inside skier joke)
    12) Albania.
    13) Albania.
    14) Albania. (Gotcha again!)

    Rhea: I hear ya. Hillary must be flying in her face to fall flat on America face, a ridiculous proposition, on the face of it. (facepalm!) So long as she’s not flying into Tuzla (Bosnia, not Oklahoma, Rick!) I think we’re ok.

    PKM: AhA! Not so fast! Some of the answers were “double A”

    Micr: and Apennine!

  20. Here’s my question: Why would anyone want to interview anyone as DUMB and morally compromised as Rick Perry?

  21. No, I guess they shouldn’t have taken money from Algeria just to give it to those poor folks in Haiti. Jesus certainly wouldn’t.

  22. That’s like the putz calling the kettle black. Seems I recall the whole chamber of commerce flap where foreign companies (or even nations) donating to the chamber of commerce and then they would launder (er funnel) the money into congressional and state campaigns. Of course, maybe I dreamed all that. Of course, I’ve always thought that campaigns should be 100 percent publicly financed after the primaries. Then, let each party decide just how dirty and disgusting they want to make it in their own primary. If we’re being honest with ourselves we know that plenty of Democrats have been scumbags when it comes to financing their campaign. Let each party police their own in the primaries and then run a 100 percent clean general.

  23. Julie B, I suspect that Repubs know perfectly well that charity donations go to the needy. That’s why they disapprove.

  24. Marcia in CO says:

    Now Hilary is in hot water for using a personal email account for doing government business … the Benghazi group dug this one up!!

  25. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    daChipster, pRick was having none of those AA answers. He says that’s a battery size or the sign of an underage girl. He wouldn’t elaborate on his second ‘fact,’ nor could he remember his third reason.

  26. linda phipps says:

    Amusing that the “christians” are all upset about the Clintons sending an Algerian donation to assist the people of Haiti, but don’t think twice about accepting money from the Kochs who are about as non-patriotic as they can be, interested only in buying and selling us all.
    I didn’t capitalize “christian” because they don’t deserve it anymore.
