So We’re Securing Russian Oil Interests?

October 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t know why I didn’t see this coming.

Russia’s state-owned Rosneft oil company says it has agreed with the government of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region to take a controlling stake in the region’s main oil export pipeline.

Rosneft said in an October 20 statement that it will own 60 percent of the pipeline while Iraq’s private KAR Group will hold the remaining stake.

So that’s why Trump agreed to keep some troops there?

You wanna know what worries me?  What the hell has Trump given Putin that we don’t know about yet?


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0 Comments to “So We’re Securing Russian Oil Interests?”

  1. Let’s see if I can keep score.
    Mexico pays for the wall.
    Saudi Arabia pays for the 2000 troops we sent.
    Has Trump suggested who pays for protection of the Iraqi-Kurdish-Russian oil pipeline? Maybe Jared knows? Could an Israeli journalist ask him?

  2. Sandridge says:

    Of course, why not? The Kremlin puppeteers make Comrade Donnei, MoscowMitch and most all the GOPers dance to Vlad’s tune [GOP=Ghosts Of Putin].
    But it’s not really much different than how we’ve protected China’s vast interests in Afghanistan for years, for free too.
    It’s incredible how the “party of national security” has betrayed the nation. And today, the last few days, months, they continue to explicitly and implicitly call Democrats traitors, socialists, commies and worse.
    We know damned well who the actual “human scum” are [apologies to actual scum critters].

  3. I think that at the time he said it, trump believed that he was going to steal the oil for US interests. The thing is though that he is profoundly incapable of getting ANYTHING done. All his so-called accomplishments were done by others with no direction from him at all. Judges – all put forward by the Heritage foundation. Destruction and theft of public property and environmental protection – all done by his crooked cronies. The tax cut – the little bit that he tried to get involved nearly scuttled the whole deal, within his own party. Same with overthrowing Obama care. Vlad no doubt instructed him to abandon the Kurds to Turkey, knowing full well that trump would be absolutely incapable of stopping either Erdogan or himself from doing whatever they wanted afterwards. The wholesale looting of the US and parts of the rest of the world will continue until trump is gone.

  4. To lumpkin @3: I think you have it exactly right. It’s not that he can’t do anything right, it’s that he can’t do anything at all, at least when he’s not cheating.

    I’ve wondered what stake Pooty-Poot has in propping up Assad, making nice with Erdogan and Russia’s historic enemy, the Turks, and Kurdish genocide. I suspect he dearly wants a pipeline route across Northern Syria from the Caspian oil fields, one that wouldn’t go through Ukraine or Turkey. Sucking up Kurdish oil is the cherry on top.

  5. I believe Speaker Pelosi is on the case. It’s not for nothing that she asked Dolt 45 why all his roads lead to Putin.

  6. The article and deal referenced happened on October 20, 2017.

    This is old news.

    Considering that Russia is allied closely with Assad in Syria, the betrayal of the Kurds is complete. Russia can now move their ownership interest in this oil pipeline from 60% to 100%.

  7. I think Trump’s accomplishments, over his lifetime, refutes the Peter Principle.

  8. What else has Trump given Russia that we don’t know about, yet?

    Now there’s the million dollar question. More, if it’s in rubles.

  9. What else has he given Putin that we don’t know about yet? My guess is Alaska and California.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    I think all this is leading to how Europe will get oil and gas. Russia has been angling to have full control, the last domino to fall will be Ukraine. Then Europe is screwed.

  11. Ted@7:
    You’re right.
    There’s nothing too big, good for our national interest, or vital to our national security that Donald F**king Trump can’t f**k up.
    But not to worry.
    At least Vlad the Trump impaler benefits mightily.

  12. Congratulations to your Astros and Hizzonner. What a week, even impeachment proceedings thrown in for good measure.

  13. Rats. I misread the score. I got nothing against the Nats but I was pulling for your Astros. At least this gives the Honorable Bubba top billing in this week’s Beauty Shop news.
