So We Have a Compromise, Huh?
So it appears that we have a break from the Senate on background checks at gun shows and internet sales of military grade munitions.
So have they got Ted Cruz locked in a closet somewhere or is this compromise just meant to give the GOP an escape route from listening to Ted Cruz tell the truth about their Party during a filibuster? You know for a fact that if they let Ted Cruz stand up there and talk for an hour or more, he’s gonna say more stooopid things that grandma can kill with her hoe.
And he’s going to do it in that GOP unapproved lispy way that has got to send shivers up, sideways, and down their spines.
And then we have Senator James Inhofe showing all the sensitivity of a snake.
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Tuesday that the gun control debate doesn’t have anything to do with the families of the Newtown, Conn., shooting victims, and that the only reason those families think it does is because President Barack Obama told them it did.
Ain’t that kinda like saying, “You’ve not only lost your child, you’ve lost your brain.”
Nice going, Inhofe. This makes us wonder what you say about these families behind closed doors if this is what you say in public.
Hey, Inhofe, did you add that you only babble like that because the NRA tells you to?
Pull that rifle outta your butt, Bubby, and try to act like a American for once.