So This Is Our Future?
Remember George Papadopoulos, the former Trump campaign aid who lied to the FBI and spent 14 days in prison for it?
He says, “we all make mistakes.” Yeah, but lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians to influence the United States elections, is a bigger mistake than, say, forgetting paper towels at the grocery store.
In the Telegraph interview, Papadopoulos, who resides in the Los Angeles area, named Orange County as where he hopes to find a congressional seat.“Now that Los Angeles is home I just have to find a little Republican enclave somewhere in this part of the country and run there,” he said in the interview.
Okay, so best I can figure Papadopoulos was in prison when Orange County flipped blue and the poor soul is totally unaware that Republicans no longer get elected there but it sure will be fun when he finds outs.