So They’re Joking, Right?

April 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita spent her lunch break staring at the computer screen and pulling her hair out.

You are not going to believe this.  The website Politico had this story

Ron Paul, the Texas congressman, is thinking about another presidential run. His son, Rand, the newly elected Kentucky senator, has a book out and is himself travelling to early states and keeping open the possibility of a White House bid. And another Paul progeny, Texas doctor Robert Paul, has recently flirted with the idea of attempting to join his brother in the Senate.

Call them the libertarian Kennedys.


“You cannot call them the libertarian Kennedys,” Juanita guffaws.  “At least with a straight face.”

“Ron Paul has not won one single election outside his bizarre little congressional district drawn just for him by Tom DeLay.  Ron Paul could not win any election outside his district including Fiddler General.  The Kennedys won elections.”

“Ron Paul has been unable to accomplish any of his major political objectives, thank God.  The Kennedys got stuff done.”

“They are drinking too much over at Politico,” she decides and un-bookmarks it.

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