So Sorry, Issa. (Not Really.)

May 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Can we now hold a hearing on why Darrell Issa spent taxpayer money to hold a hearing that turned out to be nada?

All the promised hoopla on Benghazi from their “whistle blower” proved to be pure raw unadulterated crapola from  “the worst manager I’ve ever seen in the Foreign Service.”

Issa is walking round trying to clean egg off his face, but the real test of his manhood will come when Hillary Clinton giggles at him in the hallway.

So, here’s my question, what was Issa covering up with these hearings?

Let me admit that I do not like Darrell Issa.  I think the devil has a mortgage on his soul.  I also think he bucks in eight different directions at once just to get attention.

His purpose of these hearings was to make Hillary Clinton look bad.  If ya hunt bear you need more than a stick.  Issa had a twig.

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