So Now You Have a Reason To Go To Church on Sunday and Pray. Or, In The Alternative, Stay Indoors to Avoid Lightening Strikes

July 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott wants to share the Lord’s day.

Attorney General Greg Abbott is tipping his hand ever so slightly about his San Antonio appearance Sunday, with his campaign rebranding it from a meet-and-greet to a “major announcement.”

Abbott widely is expected to announce for governor in the wake of Gov. Rick Perry’s decision not to seek re-election, and he’s the odds-on favorite.

His campaign just revealed a day ago that Abbott has raised nearly another $5 million.

Well, he’s going to announce that he can fill Rick Perry’s boots.  And he probably can.  My dog Truman could fill Rick Perry’s boots, too, but with something that smells better than Abbott.

Rick Perry was a doofus.  Greg Abbott scares the crap outta me.  He’s meaner than a hurricane with two eyes.

These were his political signs before there even was a Tea Party.


He’s just a shiver looking for a spine to run up.

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