So Many April Fools

April 03, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

I honestly thought this was an April Fool’s gag. These GOP guys, they are such jokers. So I did some research. The bill was filed FRIDAY, so either they got their dates wrong, or they are even more delusional than we thought. Among all the critical things they should be acting on, like, aid to Ukraine, Gaza and, you know, stuff overflowing on the back burner,  Rep. Guy Reschentaler (R-PA) and his six co-sponsors are asking Congress to change the name of Washington Dulles International Airport to….wait for it….Donald J. Trump International Airport. The six geniuses with this burning issue keeping them awake at night include the local Ft. Bend zero Rep. Troy E. Nehls,  Reps. Andrew Ogles and Chuck Fleishmann (TN), Paul Gosar (AZ) and Michael Waltz (FL). You know there had to be a Florida Man in this band. We are living in an April Fools Groundhog Day movie. And the hits just keep on coming.

0 Comments to “So Many April Fools”

  1. rastybob says:

    How about Loser International Airport.?
    Or Bankrupt International Airport.?

  2. I’m good with Trump Airport. Under one condition.

    Signs must be installed over every highway entrance, at every doorway, and a recording played on the hour over the PA system with Trump commenting about Revolutionary War airports:

    “The Continental Army (in the 1770’s) … manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do”

  3. Yeah, they should. Then stand back and watch the revenue at the airport drop like Twitter (where did I hear that recently???)

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Congress critters really have nothing better to do than waste time. If it were to happen, I’d add a sign that says “this airport brought to you by trumpf ass kissers”.

  5. A quick side note:

    Lauren Boebert is recovering from surgery for a blood clot thanks to her super deluxe Congressional health care, and as one wag on TwitterX added – – although the surgery was successful, she remains in hypocritical condition.

  6. If they want it named after a traitor, why don’t they name it Benedict Arnold Airport?

  7. Ruby May says:

    Can’t recall which one, but I read that another congressman suggested that instead of naming an airport for him, we name a federal prison for him. Sounds good to me.

  8. Ruby May@ 6,

    A brand new Federal prison amed after TFG, on a military base located on a far away island in the Indian Ocean would work.

  9. OOPS – named not “amed”

  10. RE: Airport naming–
    I know of a dirt strip on the Mexican border outside of Hidalgo, TX which was always a hotbed of smuggling activity that would be perfect to be named ‘The DJT Airport’.

    And as far as blood clots, pulmonary embolisms, strokes, CAs go, why the hell can’t one or more of them strike down ‘you-know-who’?
    Don’t mess around with bit players like Boebert, go straight to the top of the loser parade, damnit.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Only appropriate thing that fits DJT is the trump memorial dump and sewage treatment plant.

  12. BarbinDC says:

    Yeah, I heard that. Not gonna happen; at least not while the Dems hold the Senate and the White House. We have already been afflicted with the name change on our local airport. I refuse to call it by its new name. It had always been and will remain to my dying day “National” airport. Locals in the entire area were against the name change; but, this was when the Rethugs ruled everything and some dumb Congresscritter from Georgia was bound and determined to get the ex-movie star’s name on everything.

  13. slipstream says:

    Isn’t the tradition that the honoree has to be dead to have an airport named after him?

    Yeah, that’ll work.

  14. Steve from Beaverton @10, I have a number of residential septic tanks, I wonder if maybe I should put some little ‘DJT Truth Social Access’ signs over the tank lids?
    They’re big concrete lids about 4′ in diameter, with a thin layer of grass on top.
    The effluent from the houses flows in to the tank, then the choice bits settle out in the tanks, and the liquids flow out to the leach field piping.

    The entire US of A needs a major ‘desludging’ to flush out all traces of DJT.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sandridge- yes. Do it. Maybe he’ll sue you too. I’ll contribute to your defense.

  16. Malarkey says:

    @BarbinDC #12 – I came to gripe about National, too! I recently relocated to DE from NoVA, and I, also, will *never* call that airport on the Potomac anything other than National.

    @slipstream #13 – BarbinDC, please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think they named the federal building after the B actor before he went to the great beyond. So, if you’re a Republican, things get named after you before you kick the bucket…

  17. BarbinDC says:

    @Malarkey: Yes, indeed! That building turned out to be the second-largest federal building (the Pentagon is first) in the country–named after the POTUS who swore to shrink the “bloated” federal government. He didn’t object to the naming at all and the irony of it wasn’t lost on most of us around these parts.

  18. Number 10, thanks Steve, good choice.

  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    slipstream, I believe Reagan was still alive, at least physically, when National was named after him. At the time, people noted the irony of his having destroyed the air traffic controllers’ union.

    Naming an airport for trump would invite a catastrophe of Tenerife proportions “on Day One.”

    BTW, does anyone know if Dulles is named for the Secretary of State or the CIA director?

  20. LP Netherton says:

    #9: If that fat old fart dies, we’ll be hearing all about how he’s deserving of being sainted. Feh…

  21. The Surly Professor says:

    Rick@4: One of my grad students said about Boebert, “she should be required to carry the clot to term”.

    [No way am I clever enough to have come up with that one. It brought all work to a stop for several minutes in the lab.]

  22. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Some good news but I’m not convinced he’ll actually get thrown in the clinker.

  23. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The stock market had such a bad day I was holding off on this but here goes before Friday toons. I hope.
    You know when you flush the toilet it goes faster and faster as the goods get closer to the hole? Trumpf media was down again today by 5.4% so I’m saying it’s in the vortex towards the sewer where he deserves.

  24. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    Wish I could remember whom to give credit for this suggestion, but I saw this somewhere and thought it was great:

    If they really want to rename the airport for a past GOP occupant of the White House, let’s agree to call it Dwight Eisenhower International (DEI).
