So, I’m Wondering, Is The Inability to Feel Shame a Disability?

December 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so they’ve pissed off women, minorities, the young, the elderly …. who’s left?

Disabled people.

I suspect that this Senate would be paranoid enough and mean enough to defeat the any damn thing.

Yeah, screw the blind, the deaf, the lame, and disabled veterans.   This treaty might cause abortions.  And Y2K.  And warts on noses. And disco.  Hell, I dunno.

The opposition was led by Tea Party favorite Mike Lee, who argued that the treaty by its very nature threatened US sovereignty. Specifically he expressed concerns that the treaty could lead to the state, rather than parents, determining what was in the best interest of disabled children in such areas as home schooling, and that language in the treaty guaranteeing the disabled equal rights to reproductive health care could lead to abortions. Parents, Lee said, will “raise their children with the constant looming threat of state interference.”

That right there is a spigot of crazy crap flowing into a cup of schizophrenia.

I wonder if they just rolled Ole Bob Dole out to the dumpster after they defeated his plea for sanity.

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0 Comments to “So, I’m Wondering, Is The Inability to Feel Shame a Disability?”

  1. How many of us can flood our Texas senators with “SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on YOU!”

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    To quote Tiny Tim, the Dickens character “God bless us, every one!”

    How could they be more like Scrooge?

  3. Don’t know much about this treaty but do have a relative who homeschools disabled children. This relative is one of the most paranoid individuals I’ve ever known–keeps the Home School Defense Action League on speed dial and regularly rants about how the government wants to take away the kids, will arrest them, medicate them and take away any parental rights. Said relative is highly educated and has a very high IQ. It’s pretty sad.

  4. Just the words “international treaty” causes knee-jerk rejection by most of the GOP. They don’t bother to read or understand anything about an individual proposal.

    I wish they’d each secede into Nations of One and the rest of us could lead sensible lives.

  5. I wrote my lame duck Senator, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, via her website regarding this when it came out last week. I wanted to know why Republicans were trying to shoot down a treaty negotiated by Republicans during the tenure of GWB. I did not give any party affiliation in my note, just indignation. Asked her what she was going to do about it.

    No response as yet.

  6. TexasEllen says:

    Shameful treatment of Bob Dole by his supposed friends. No logic, no shame.

  7. Brianm0122 says:


    Highly educated, very high IQ, and outhouse-rat crazy are not mutually exclusive characteristics.

  8. Rhea,international treaty causes knees to jerk and the words United Nations brings on apoplectic, histrionic dementia.

  9. I had no idea….. until now….. that home schooling equaled = disability.

    I just thought …. all along…. it was sort of a religious/bigotry thing.

    You don’t want your kids exposed to other cultures, and other religions. (and heaven forbid…. people of color) ……. the solution is “home school”.

    I had no idea it had anything to do with disability….

    But sure enough….. in the case of the Senators who voted against this treaty…….. they are, without a doubt….. “mentally challenged.” I guess that qualifies.

  10. Sam in Kyle says:

    I’m afraid we’ll look at Kay Bailey in a few years and think of her as a moderate compared to Cruz.

    Tea Partiers are leading the way to give home-schoolers more and more rights in an effort to destroy the public system. Here in Texas we’re watching Dan Patrick and friends do their best to push charter schools and cut education funding at the same time. The next effort will be to give parents vouchers, a tactic that has failure and cronyism written all over it. Jerry Falwell pushed for the destruction of the public system in the 1960s and it looks like the TEA Party is out to make his dream come true.

  11. We can also thank little Ricky Santorum for this bit of insanity. Just disgraceful behavior.

  12. FL and IN are all over the voucher system- they are pushing it as the best thing since papyrus. The next school year, they have to close them down, for ‘administrative irregularities’
    (they stole all the money,)
    Then they wonder why the testing shows those kids are dumb as dirt..

  13. Don’t bother contacting our TX senators. You will just receive a form letter telling you it was in our best interest that they voted that way. Do what I do and mark said letter “return to sender” and pop in mail box.

  14. fenway fran says:

    I’ve had a smile on my face all day thinking about “a spigot of crazy crap flowing into a cup of schizophrenia”. I wish I could think up stuff like that! xoxoxoxo JJ

  15. Carol: Like you, I have tried to be pen pals with our two Senators, and like you, their response was more than disappointing. Form letter this and that. Ditto my crazy-ass Congressman Randy Neugebauer. All a bunch of worthless twits….

  16. West Texas Oldster says:

    Mz Patti: Don’t feel like the ‘Lone Ranger’ out here. We give you the Three Stooges from West Texas; Congressmen Randy Neugebauer (TX-19), Mac Thornberry (TX-13) and Mike Conaway (TX-11).

  17. Every time I think the Rethugs have gone as low as they can go, they find a new underground cave to explore. The UN treaty was BASED on the Americans with Disabilities Act that we passed oh, I dunno, how many years ago?

    The rest of the world is looking at the 47% of Americans who didn’t vote for Obama with fear and trepidation. Is teh stoopid contagious???

  18. Elise Von Holten says:

    Shame, not the chronic kind, is what humans use to create society–I used to tell my girlfriends to relax about their ( normal) children, because no one wants to be non-potty trained after a certain age, it’s uncomfortable, smelly and to be called poo-poo pants by your friends is embarrassing…sure enough all of the kids ended up potty trained…the problem now is that this group of beings thinks that their poo smells good, and that we should be grateful that they gift us with their messes…I’m worried more and more about the disconnect–because it doesn’t seem connected to intelligence, and that is major, vouchers don’t work without a safety net of baseline literacy and a fail safe in place, we are no Sweden (small, culturally singular) which is where the bozos are pulling the rough info from to support a voucher idea–my daughter has a young child and her husband may have a job offer in Dallas–much as I love you guys I’m really worried, she’s a nominal Republician (voted for O) and school is so important…

  19. What kills me is that these same folks will claim to be “christian”, “conservative”, “patriotic” when they are nothing but the poop I had to clean up when my dog Maxie can’t wait for me to get home from work, and he goes in the kitchen!!! Come to think about it, Maxie’s poop is better than these dipsticks! 😉

  20. So some of you are not getting responses from your representatives. I got a response from mine. It said that since my congressman had not been reelected, he was too busy packing up his office to read or answer constituents’ e-mails!

  21. gabberflasted says:

    When my yougest granddaughter was really young and had not mastered the art of riposte she came up with ‘poopyhead.’ This was after many tries, such as cabbagehead, etc.
    At two years old, even she knew!
