So Here’s Where We’re At

December 14, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you live in Texas …

We do not know when the primary election is or whether there will be one for President and another one two months later for everything else, or a combination of both.

We do not know where the district lines are for congressional, state house, state senate, county commissioner, county constables and justices of the peace, or precinct chairs.  Therefore, we do not know any of the candidates for these offices.

Filing deadline was supposed to be tomorrow but they extended it until Monday.  However, once the Supreme Court rules on redistricting, which we have no idea when, we will re-open filings for a period of time which nobody knows how long or when, and let people get a refund if they don’t want to run for their new district or file if they do.  Even things like sheriff, district and county court judges, tax assessor/collector, and other countywide offices that don’t have districts will also get another chance to file then because … hell if I know.

We also do not know if the Justice Department will pre-clear Voter ID so we do not know what kind of identification you have to have to vote when we do vote.  And right now odds appear pretty good that we eventually will get to vote.  That, however, is fluid and could change tomorrow.

We also do not know if we can do all this in time for the state parties to have conventions this summer to elect delegates to the national conventions.

So, we have no filing deadline, no districts, no candidates, no election date, and no way to vote.

Other than that, everything will proceed as usual.

Please feel free to enjoy this adventure in democracy.

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