Snookerin’ Pete

January 27, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Lookie, Y’all.  Here’s our precious Congressvarmint Pete Olson with his United States House of Representative Official Resolution honoring James O’Keefe III for —-

Whereas Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe III have displayed exemplary actions as government watchdogs and young journalists uncovering wasteful government spending; and

Whereas Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe III are owed a debt of gratitude by the people of the United States: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives–

(1) honors Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe III for their work as investigative journalists;

Lookie here to see if your Congressman got snookered, too.

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