Sneeze, Phyllis. Your Brain is Dusty.
Phyllis Schlafly, that old hag you thought died of meanness, sanctimony, and hairspray ten years ago, is on the warpath.
Excited about Donald Trump’s call for the mass deportation of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly told WorldNetDaily this weekend that she wants American railways to join the deportation effort, hoping to one day “see those railroad cars full of illegals going south.”
Yeah, she really did say “railroad trains.” I am certain that she did not realize that’s how the Nazis moved Jews in Germany. I’m just certain she didn’t know because her brain is mostly dust anyway.
Phyllis, I’d think a woman your age would want to make peace with Jesus instead of pissing him off.
You know, I have come to the conclusion that this is gonna build up with them trying to outdo each other being politically incorrect until one on them blurts out the N word. I hope it’s Louie Gohmert.
Thanks to Linda for the heads up.