Slacking Off

April 30, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Campers, I am very involved in a city election in my beautiful small town of Richmond, Texas.  It is a historic town where Stephen F Austin brought families to farm along the Brazos River.  Since then we’ve seen Jane Long, Mirabeau Lamar, and Carrie Nation even tore up a bar here.

The small town is mostly on non-taxable land – government buildings, churches, and the historical buildings for the county are here.   Because of that, our taxes are higher than surrounding cities but we  have several large parks, a beautiful baseball complex on the river banks, walking trails, several historic homes you can tour, and hundred year old oak trees.  It’s worth it.

We are 27% white, 59% Hispanic, and 13% African American.  Until a month ago, we lived in peace and harmony.  We had elections for a mayor and two city council members but they were friendly affairs.  Until now …

Our mayor is my friend Evalyn Moore.   She is a rancher, rice farmer, and business woman.  She is generous, kind, and smart.  She has given far, far more to this community than she has taken out.

A Republican political consultant decided he wanted to be mayor.  He took on Mayor Moore.  That’s fine – we live in a democracy.  However, like other Republicans, he just couldn’t wait to start a smear campaign.  Bless his heart, he ain’t terribly bright so when he sent out a slam piece on her from something called “The GOP PAC” he thought he was hiding behind the PAC and could disclaim it was from him.  But, almost pathetically, he used one of his own post office boxes for the PAC’s address.  Yeah, like that takes Sherlock Holmes to trace.

Here’s the slam piece in PDF format.

Mayor Moore’s sin?  She has contributed more than $24,000 to “liberal causes.”  Including Barack Obama.

So, her opponent wants to bring the politics of personal destruction to our small, beautiful town.  He learned at the feet of the masters:  he’s a big Tom DeLay supporter and is all buddy-buddy with the former political director at Enron.

I left the name and address on the mailer on purpose.  Jesse Torres, who is running for city counsel, said I could.  It came to his house.  He’s not one of the contestants that is endorsed in the piece.

The election is May 10th and we’re into early voting now.  Today was one of the few completely gorgeous days we’ve had in a while so I went block walking for Mayor Moore and Jess.  I knew you’d want me to.

It’s supposed to rain tomorrow so I’ll be back.


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