Skeeter Gear!

March 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Well, it’s here and it’s ugly enough to burn asphalt.

Sugar Land’s new Skeeters “minor league” baseball team starts up in 2012, but they’ve already managed to find a way to take your money.  They have …. well, stuff.

The Skeeters are in no way associated with Major League Baseball.  They are a part of a baseball league  that businessmen across the country have put together to make money.  It’s called the Atlantic League, and by gosh, we’re only 4 states away from anything Atlantic.

The business men charmingly convince “conservative” leadership, like in Sugar Land, to build a them baseball stadium with taxpayer money and they will find 9 guys who can almost play baseball but not good enough to impress anybody.  Come to think of it, that kinda describes the Astros, too.

The cute part is that the “conservative” city fathers talked the taxpayer into doing this for the prestige and tourism that it would bring to city. Please note on the koozie up there that it doesn’t say Sugar Land anywhere on it.  It’s the “Houston area.”  Juanita says that’s just damn sad.

The upside is that for just $35,000 a year (plus additional food costs), you can buy a sky box. And if you’re a businessman, you can take that off your taxes!  I told you there was a good side to this.

(Thanks to the fellas over at Hair Balls for the heads-up.)

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