Sing Along!

October 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “Sing Along!”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    WOW! Michael Messer, President of the Colin County Young Democrats has a message that all Texas voters should hear.

    Meanwhile young Republicans in New Hampshire should be ashamed of themselves. Please stop reading, Mama. All you need to know is they deserve a bar of your soap and a spanking.

    Scott Brown’s Frat Boys Go Full Frat Sexist Against Jeanne Shaheen

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Whitey wingnut attends the same liberal arts schools as Dems so where are the talented wingnut troubadours? They just seem to turn out bitter,pissant pols that hate everyone except the 1%.

  3. Coprolite says:

    RE Scott’s Frat Party…..Is all that Testosterone in the air that makes people say and do dumb things, or was it the beer pressure? Might have been the marijuana.

    I don’t live in Texas, but I sure love your politics….Michael, great job with the song. Here’s a new line for the chorus…. I hear, Bobby Jindal wont let Texas dispose their Ebola contaminated medical waste in Louisiana. Oh, what is Texas to do….

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Oh oh oh oh. What IS a safe method of disposing of ebola med. treatment waste? Can they burn it?

  5. They can nuke it probably like the way incoming snail mail on Capitol Hill is still nuked after the anthrax experience. Nuking neutralizes. Burning the infected materials from an ebola has mat unit would only vaporize stuff into the air in sub-particles but they have to land somewhere and rainwater won’t really diminish them enough to be certain they will not contaminate. I’m thinking of the mad cow disease that hit Britain not that long ago and how even when thoroughly cooked, contaminated cowparts were still dangerous. Cannot fathom why anyone would think that dumping something into the ground, especially ground with a usually high ground water level, is a good idea.

  6. TexasEllen says:

    Pure talent. Hooray for Michael Messer!

  7. John Peter Henson says:

    Hey…let’s send the Ebola waste to the radioactive dump. What could go wrong……oh wait…isn’t that the premise for super villain construction…

  8. Excellent!

  9. Michael Messer, and Colin County Young Democrats. Yea!

    As one of my new favorite mystery writers says: FANTASTICAL!

  10. Marge Wood, burning is the preferred way of disposing of ebola-contaminated products, preferably using a medical incinerator which burns in excess of 1400 degrees F, depending on type.

  11. Excellent. Thank you Michael Messer!
