Simply Just Awful; But Why?
Paul Manafort, with close ties to pro-Russian Ukrainian strongman, Viktor Yanukovych.
Calls for Russia to hack Hillary’s emails, and complementary statements made about Vladimir Putin during the campaign.
Clear Russian hacking and selective disclosure of hacked emails to help sway the election by damaging Hillary.
Open celebrations in Russia after US election results were announced.
Antagonism against the CIA report of Russian hacking and dismissal of the findings without any basis except that he doesn’t like the answer.
“I’m a smart person,” and “don’t need” daily intelligence briefings.
And now, the appointment of Exxon CEO and pal to Putin, Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. Tillerson opposes the sanctions against Russia, and received the Order of Friendship award from Putin in 2012.
One has to ask – what the hell is going on, and why is Cheeto Jesus so pantingly in love with Russia? Why is Putin trying to help him, and why is CJ so obviously cozying up to a despot? Why are we getting only crickets from Republicans? WTF? (Sorry, Momma).
The advantages to Russia of a weak and compliant US are obvious – lifting sanctions against Russia and permitting Putin to complete his annexation of Crimea and all of Ukraine plus allowing a creeping expansion to reassemble the old Soviet Union is clearly one of Putin’s goals. Aggressive support of Assad in Syria and ensuring his longevity there strengthens Russia’s influence in the region, and lack of resistance by the former leader of the free world (the US), would lead to Russia’s dominance in the Middle East.
So, the advantages to Putin of CJ and company’s sucking up are obvious. What are the advantages to CJ? Well, those are obvious, too, especially to those of us who have been observing the transformation of our American democratic system to an oligarchy. Today, emboldened by a compliant Supreme Court, money equals speech. The more money you have, the louder your megaphone. Using corporate drafted legislation, civil rights are being pulled back, voting rights restricted, and the social safety net shredded. The tax code has already turned upside down, shifting the burden to the working class.
CJ has declared himself exempt from all norms and laws pertaining to conflicts of interest and even the Emoluments clause of the Constitution. His supporters (and the GOP) are simply ignoring these outrageous violations of laws and long established practice. He’s even maintaining his position as executive producer of his cheesy reality show, Celebrity Apprentice. For the first time in US history, the, uh…urp, president elect has turned ethics and traditions upside down and is using his new position to enrich himself and his family while making no bones about what he’s doing. And he’s getting away with it.
What CJ is setting up with Putin is a global kleptocracy where a small class of haves denies basic rights and resources to the have nots. Like Putin, he’s setting up a tight circle of supporters who wants to undo America as we know it and replace it with a 19th century style oligarchy where robber barons accumulate mass wealth while the masses work for crumbs. The advantage to us as an American society? Zero. The costs? Gigantic.
The shocking thing is that people are so ignorant, or so hate filled that now, apparently, they’re happy to just hand him the keys and stand by silently while he, his cronies, and Vladimir Putin accumulate mass wealth and power to everyone’s detriment.
Texas has become unrecognizable to me over the last 15 years. Now its happening to America.