Silly With Sid: Because Hugs Matter

November 16, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sid Miller on the Facebook Machine:



Yeah, but will he respect that flag in the morning?

So, attempting to make whoopie with the American flag is the new sign of respect.

Damn, Sid, you’re an idiot.  Tic Tac, anyone?


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0 Comments to “Silly With Sid: Because Hugs Matter”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Knowing Drumpf, someone better check that flag for protein stains and do the requisite DNA tests so wingnuts can’t blame either Clinton for such an outrageous display of grossness. Maybe that is one Ivanka wrapped her patriotic little self in before she pledged allegiance to the Drumpf Reich.

  2. daChipster says:

    Trump: Tic Tac Ho

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Is it too late to neuter Donnie, or are all his bad habits too deeply ingrained?

    Tic Tac? He’s beyond that. Start with a full hazmat decontamination, then rinse, repeat, reevaluate and probably incinerate.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    epo: Hear you. That orange dye is impossible to get out of rayon! Now he’s Old Glory Grabber? Shudder.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Old Glory is now and forever to be known as old Gory. It even looks like a racist, misogynist flag in Drumpf’s loving embrace.

    Could it be possible to have this guylocked up for humping the flag?

  6. We Americans are now facing what could be our most shameful moment or our finest hour.

    Time to take sides.

  7. Another reason to resent the right wing is the way they’ve co-opted the American flag, waving it so hard and claiming it with their ugly slogans so that the rest of us may hesitate to display it lest we look as if we’re on their side.

    Ironically some of the most dedicated wavers also wave the Confederate flag just as hard.

    “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” — attributed to Sinclair Lewis. But has anyone else noticed that the GOP has backed the least religious candidate since at least Ford?

  8. Somebody count the stars after he walks away. Or stripes. That poor flag has been degraded in some way.

  9. He can wrap himself in as many US flags as he wants, but I’m betting that he and some others in his administration will be charged with treason for colluding with Russia. Sooner rather than later.

  10. glf, the day after the election, a commenter on my [progressive] niece’s FB page responded to my niece’s post something about how upset she was (I think the thread was about losing friends over this). The commenter said she planned to still be friends with my niece despite their political differences. Although I detected a bit of “Snacilbuper ‘splaining’ in her tone, I thanked her (and others) for keeping their comments civil although I disagreed with her politically, too b/c of the Cheeto’s behavior on the trail. She assured me she also disapproved of his behavior, but she voted for him b/c she agreed with his economics.

    I refrained from asking her what “economics” he had ever really defined and which of those she thought he wasn’t lying about. Wouldn’t matter; they refuse to learn.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Donnie elect didn’t attend a single Vet’s Day celebration because he loves the vets so much.

    glf- NSA says Russian interference in election had a specific purpose in mind. Wanna guess what it was?

  12. e platypus onion – one of Trump’s companies has already been caught having a direct server link to one of Russia’s bank prior to the election. I wouldn’t put it past him or his kids to pass on national security material to Russia.

    djw – I’m betting the “economics” thing is bringing manufacturing jobs back, coal mining or taking the jobs back from the illegal mexicans (as if these racist white people want to pick fruit or clean out toilets). I don’t understand how these people continue to want to be lied to. Trump is the perfect example of the CEO who sent jobs overseas to maximize profits for himself; why do they not see that. They are going to be very disappointed to see that none of these jobs are coming back and Trump can’t force any company to do so. I’m betting even he won’t bring back any Trump business he sent to China even if he starts a trade war with China.

  13. Meh! Donny just forgot to put in his contacts and thought Ivanka had lost some weight.

  14. @montag. Whoa! Good one.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    You reckon this is where all them little flags come from?

  16. Linda Phipps says:

    Dang! That image always gives me huge heartburn. Nauseating.

  17. Sid, what the hell country were you raised in? When I was a pup during the Second World War it was made known that one does not wrap oneself in the flag or around it! I swear, boy. You have cotton stuffed between your ears. Check out flag etiquette with the local American Legion branch. They have all kinds of stuff on the subject.

  18. maggie, I saw on our local teevee machine a protest in support of dat man in a small nearby town. Several of the protesters were wearing flags as shawls. So much for respecting the flag. I have more respect for those who burn it in protest.

  19. Sancho Pantha says:

    The Bundy’s of the world would point out (as would I) that the flag Hair Furor is hugging has FRINGE!!! The FRINGE means that it’s NOT THE AMERICAN FLAG! IT’S AN ILLUMINATI TRICKSIE TO DESTROY PRECIOUS AMERICA!!!

  20. glf: Did you see where Lindsay Graham is already talking about investigations into Russia’s involvement with the dnc hacks? Impeachment proceedings have begun. 2 months before Donnie Douchebag takes office. Which brings precious little joy. We all know most repugnantcans hate D.D. cause he isn’t their
    Idea of a true conservative, and I feel pretty certain that a lot of ’em realize that his embrace of the alt-right is gonna destroy the GOP. Even if its takes awhile and they could make a lot of political hay in the short term. And they will. But Pence is their dream come true. And our nightmare. The only hope I see is D.D. out and Pence in before Putin conquers Europe.

  21. Oh ick. That is one of the creepiest photos yet of the Cheetoh-faced Ferret-wearing Shitgibbon Cocksplat. Urg. I just threw up in my mouth, more than a little bit. Running for the bathroom!

  22. Trump once praised the virtues of “shallowness,” claiming good business opportunities could be missed if one spent too much time evaluating and thinking. So, Sid Miller and those of his ilk have discovered someone that personifies shallowness. They can all happily wallow in the mud together.

  23. Looks like a pole dancer to me.

  24. treehugger says:

    What a hypocrite. I know in my heart Lady Karma will catch up with him (and all the rest of them) eventually, but I fear he (and all the rest of them) will take us all out before she does. It would be so sweet to watch, though, in case a few of us are still hanging in there.

  25. P.P. – if Trump goes down, both Pence & Paul Ryan also need to go down otherwise nothing changes and things will probably get worse. They are all terrible humans.

  26. But will he respect her in the morning?

  27. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @PKM#11- The labor part didn’t really kick in until the needed a lesser degree of white men to build the “easier”part(through the American great plains of the transcontinental railroad.The “harder”(literally)part through the Sierra mountains was largely built by Chinese laborers imported for the task.But the union Army of the American civil war was largely made up of Irish-Catholic immigrants fresh off the boat. Important, I believe, to remember the KKK was as much anti-catholic and anti-immigrant as it was anti-black.

  28. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @EPO#11- yeah, Donnie loves the flag and the Republic for which it stands so much he paid the dRUMPf family doctor off to find “bone spurs” on he can’t remember which foot to keep him out of the draft and the Vietnam shooting shindig.I happen to know draft boards had quotas so someone had to take dRUMPf’s place in the draft and more than likely the shindig. I sincerely hope they made it home alive, in one piece, and as sane as such an experience would leave a normal human. I’m ambivalent about Donnie’s draft dodging because he seems to me to be the sort who would get good men(better men than he) maimed or killed trying to keep his worthless @$$ out of harm’s way.

  29. golf: I didn’t make my point very well. (I do that a lot I think). Ryan is the epitome of what passes for a mainstream conservative today. Pence as well, but also much further to the right on the issues where we’ve made the most gains recently (marriage equality, reproductive rights, etc.). And something I’ve mentioned in here before is that some of the folks who voted for Donnie Douchebag would call him what I just did, but these cultural changes scared them. Making it easier to convince them that the steady march towards uncertain change HAS to be stopped. Pence and Ryan aren’t going anywhere. But DD scares the crap out of mainstream repugnantcans because they all know he used to be a democrat. Pro-choice. He’s said that the very tax loopholes he’s exploited should be fixed. They won’t take that chance. Impeachment. He’s gotten them control of all 3 branches of government, but now they want him out of the way. Yeah, it’s gonna get worse. Domestically. Right now Russian plans for aggression of some sort are being carried out. We just won’t know how or where for awhile. Anybody in here played Risk? Sometimes someone who’s way behind can make massive advances simply by gambling on (risking) total aggression against an opponent not willing to do the same. Sound familiar? Vladimir Putin has one aircraft carrier and he’s sent it to support Assad. Anybody think he’s bluffing? Donnie Douchebag has direct ties to Russian banks even if he doesn’t have holdings in Russia proper. The trump/putin bromance is well documented. So is D.D. gonna risk his financial /family legacy if it comes into conflict with our national interest? I don’t think so. But I’m just as full of shit as anybody else. (Sorry mama) On another thread, if any of this crap turns out to be accurate, how will it affect our standing in world finance? And domestic stability?
