Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

October 05, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Here on the Left Coast, we normally have low key elections, because face it, the outcomes of most races here in deep blue California is already known.

Not here in the “Fighting 41st”. Here in CA CD-41, the outcome of this year’s congressional race is not assured. Right now registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans in a newly redistricted congressional district. This is a first for incumbent Ken Calvert (R-CD 42). Democrat Will Rollins, a young energetic former federal prosecutor, is putting up a credible fight against this 30-year incumbent who has skated through 14 campaigns with large R turnouts. And so as that goes, Calvert’s crew is playing dirty now.

Will Rollins’ campaign signs, far and few between as it is, are disappearing from their stakes and fences at an alarming rate. Of The 16 signs that I have personally posted around town, half have now gone missing. I did find one in the dirt, and another covered up by a 4 X 4 sign (not Calvert’s).

See? You can see the upper left corner of a Rollins sign that was covered up by a city council candidate’s sign.

So a grass-roots visibility campaign was initiated by Rollins campaign volunteers with a call for donations. They’re going to need just shy of 2 grand to buy 50 4 X 8s to post in high visibility areas.

I just sent them my dead presidents. You can also donate to the new push for visibility by going here. You can also send them a check via snail mail at the address that is given here (scroll to the bottom). Write “signs” on the check memo line and it’ll be used for signs.

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