Side Rant

August 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


So, if I am ever lying in the hospital having just been deliberately run over by a Nazi here in the good ole United Damn States of America, and Louse in the White House tweets “Best Regards” to me, please pitch a fit.  Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!

He couldn’t even do “thoughts and prayers?”  Look, a real president would have picked up the phone and called them expressing his concern for their health.  A real president would have sent flowers or some damn thing.

Best regards to your broken leg?  Why didn’t he just say, “Cheers!”

Oh y’all, someone help me.  I hate this man.  I know I shouldn’t because he’s crazy and can’t help it. But he’s such a jerk.

And I did not take kindly to his reaction to Merck’s CEO, Ken Frazier, resigning from the President’s Council.


But, here’s the questions I have: (1) Why did Frazier, and African American, take the honorary position in the first place?  And (2) if Trump thought Merck was ripping off Americans, why did he appoint the CEO of the company to his ams council?

It’s a world gone mad.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Side Rant”

  1. oldymoldy says:

    Pretty much proof that it’s all “show”! there’s no there there.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, Miss JJ. Did you not go to public school? This is the 4th grade equivalent of “I know you are but what am I?”

    What else can we expect from this manbaby?

  3. I’m going to hazard a guess that The Cheeto in Chief is about to try to make this go away in his Press Conference-too little too late. To paraphrase, “You might be a Nazi if….”

  4. @oldymoldy

    +1 for “there’s no there there.”

  5. “Best Regards”…that is what you say? I am not a religious person but I think “You are in my thoughts” would have been more appropriate. What a jerk, again, still.

  6. “I hate this man. I know I shouldn’t because he’s crazy and can’t help it.”
    Oh, go right ahead. He isn’t nasty and hateful because he’s crazy. He’s nasty and hateful because he’s nasty and hateful.

    He’s also nuttier than a bag of peanuts, but in his case, that is just a coincidence.

  7. Do you think the right wing evangelical Christians that told us he was a Christian and supported him for POTUS,
    Do they even know they were lied to?

    Because if they abandon him, there will be nobody that he will have to cater to for votes.
    If we think he is a loose cannon now, wait. We will be lucky if we survive.

  8. Here’s an idea.
    Trump should put out his own line of greeting cards; Get Well & Winning Soon, Sympathy Sad!, Happy Tremendous Birthday, etc.

    If they don’t sell, include a Trump Steak, or bottle of Trump Booze with each purchase.

  9. easttxdem says:

    JJ — your hatred of Trump is justifiable and shared by many. What we all need to keep in mind is that Trump is a symptom — he’d never have been elected if there weren’t millions of our fellow (ugly) Americans who share his bigotry and hostility towards people of color.
    As for right wing evangelical Christians, the fundamentalist churches of the South have historically openly supported segregation and espoused distain for African Americans. And, no, the evangelicals will NEVER disown Trump. They are inherently authoritarian, determined to use government to police other people’s sex lives and women’s wombs. They want Trump in office to stack the Supreme Court with strongly authoritarian white men who will enforce laws that reflect their pre-occupation with sex.

  10. Would you believe that some really BIG guys got on any one of Trump’s “committees” just to prove they weren’t afraid of him? Now that they know what a waste of time that was they are jumping ship. The father of the killer has publicly disavowed his son as has the rest of the family. They are getting some really hard nasty stuff from the rest of the world. As for the Evan Christians, like that bunch visiting the WH just to pray over him, they will never admit they were ever wrong and that God has already forgiven them if they did make a mistake. Must be a slot machine one armed bandit type God. Put in your nickel (sin), pull the arm, and presto, its OK.

  11. Nutty? Crazy? I can tell you that my dad has fairly advanced dementia. But in his earlier days he said things that sound a lot like Trump. It’s not just the words, but the way of speaking. He now has little idea where he is or what he just ate, but he uses reasonable words, deliberately articulated, that make no sense. Sound familiar?

  12. What do we expect from the primary proponent of the “birther lie?” And now, the White Nationalists are planning a shindig at Texas A & M on 9/11. Also another one in Virginia. This is only the beginning, folks.

  13. Trump is no Barack Obama, who in the face of tragedy, spoke from his heart.

  14. @Samella

    Truly Drumpf is no Barack Obama, but he DID speak from his heart, at least the first time he spoke. The three mulligans he’s taken since then were forced upon him by someone. The white supremacists know these subsequent statements were forced on him by “libtard moles” in the White House and they still know in their hearts Drumpf is one of them.

  15. lisbeth echeandia says:

    Still my favorite sign ever. So perfectly southern.

  16. Samella and Micr, I have to disagree with both of you. Orange Whore has no heart. He has a brain, but it’s diseased or deformed or something else seriously de—– wrong with it. I’d say he’s f**ked in the head, but I kinda like the way those guys with the sign said it too.

  17. Max Kerpelman says:

    Sometimes I wonder if I’m just imagining all this, but..

    Trump campaigned on reducing Rx drug prices. Very soon after he “won,” he called in a bunch of drug company execs. He went into it to tell them to lower their prices. He came out of it criticizing the “price fixing” that prevented the drug companies from raising their prices.
