Sick Uh Rick (Yeah, that’s spelled right)

January 29, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, now we have numbers.

Honey, I am so sick of Rick Perry that I’d have to get better to die.  It appears that I am not alone.

PPP’s newest poll finds that only 31% of voters think Perry should seek reelection next year, compared to 62% who think it’s time for him to step aside. He’s among the most unpopular Governors in the country, with only 41% of voters approving of him to 54% who disapprove.

Okay, that’s the good news.  But don’t get to celebrating yet, because  ….

The bad news outweighs it.  The old white dude who most likely would win to GOP primary is … shiver, shiver … Greg Abbott, the meanest man in Texas.  He would steal a widow woman’s kindling and hire a stripteaser for a blind man’s birthday.  He makes a hornet look cuddly.

But, Perry is over.  Texans finally got to see the guy answer questions in a uncontrolled situation and he embarrassed the tarnation out of them.

There’s been some speculation recently that Perry might be interested in making another bid for the White House. But only 14% of Texans think Perry should run again, to 79% who are opposed to the idea. Even among his fellow Republicans only 22% think Perry should run for President again with 66% against the concept.

Yeah, they finally got to see Rick Perry and saw that he was dumber than bean dip.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

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