Shutdown Hangover

October 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Did they do it just because they could?  Or did they do it because all their supporters are featured on those Survivalists shows and they are anxious as hell to go to the bunkers and play with their ammo?

TedCruzDefund_1I saw this morning that Ted Cruz is donating his salary to charity during the shutdown.  Big Stinking Deal.  Ted Cruz is a millionaire.  His wife works for Goldman Sachs.  He ought to be donating his salary every day.

I am going to tell you one damn thing.  If Democrats back down and give the Republican Party the legislation that was passed by the duly elected congress, upheld by the Supreme Court, and then re-argued in the 2012 Presidential election, then I’m burning my Democrat card.

What is next?  Are they coming after Medicare?  Social Security?  Veteran’s benefits?  Child labor laws?  Your firstborn?

I heard a rumor this morning from one of my Washington DeeCee sources that goes like this:  the GOPers are thinking of keeping the government closed for approximately 2 weeks. And then of course we will hit the debt ceiling which means if we don’t raise it, we will likely send the economy into a depression. The fire is ratcheting up!

If you didn’t see The Daily Show last night, Jon Stewart was at his best.  Skip Bill O’Reilly because he’s just like Arby’s.

Thanks to John for the graphic.

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