Shuddup With the Witch Hunt

April 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s a dandy reminder to your Republicans friends who keep calling this a witch hunt.

It’s hard to call an investigation a “witch hunt” when it has already resulted in 19 individuals being charged with crimes, including five who pleaded guilty and one who’s been sentenced to jail (for 30 days). That’s quite a rap sheet for an ongoing probe.

Lemme see, the Benghazi investigation lasted 17 months and found … diddle squat.

And, in not hardly surprising news, after yesterday’s events Trump says he is “less likely” to be willingly interviewed by Mueller.

And, the hits just keep on coming.   White House national security spokesman Michael Anton stepped down Monday, the first day John Bolton took over as director of the National Security Council, and Tom Bossert, Trump’s top homeland security adviser, handed in his resignation today.  It’s amazing the number of people who don’t want to go to jail.


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