Shuddup, Louie. Just Shut The Hell Up, Dammit.

July 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When I saw the headline that said, “Aurora Shootings Result Of ‘Ongoing Attacks On Judeo-Christian Beliefs,” I knew who said it without even reading the story.

The most dangerous place on earth is the area between Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert and a microphone immediately following a tragedy.  Louie will shoot you and then eat you to get to that microphone.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Friday that the shootings that took place in an Aurora, Colo. movie theater hours earlier were a result of “ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs” and questioned why nobody else in the theater had a gun to take down the shooter.

During a radio interview on The Heritage Foundation’s “Istook Live!” show, Gohmert was asked why he believes such senseless acts of violence take place. Gohmert responded by talking about the weakening of Christian values in the country.

Oh dear Lord.   In the second sentence Louie says …

Gohmert also said the tragedy could have been lessened if someone else in the movie theater had been carrying a gun and took down the lone shooter. Istook noted that Colorado laws allow people to carry concealed guns.

Because nothing quite says I Love Jesus  as well as a gun.

So, here’s Louie’s solution to gun violence:  we need to return to God and the way we return to God is by carrying a gun.

Louie made the devil giggle this morning.

No thanks to the dozens of people for the heads-up. Sorry, guys, Louie is a damfool.

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0 Comments to “Shuddup, Louie. Just Shut The Hell Up, Dammit.”

  1. I just saw this article, copied the Huffington Post link and rushed over here to send it to you and saw someone beat me to the “copy & paste” … can you believe this insane idiot? It just makes me sick!! Wonder how many Teabaggers will hoist their “Don’t Tread on Me” flags today in honor of this horror that happened in Aurora!!! It is all so difficult for us “normal” folk to wrap our brains around the insanity … I don’t want to understand it … I just want it to be stopped!!

  2. seriously who does he represent – are these people just as crazy as he is

  3. penelope roberts says:

    guns and god.. with them you can take my life.

  4. I’m sorry for the people of Texas. I really am. It’s really, really sad when someone who lives in another state can rattle off the recent nut cases in office in another. I consider that y’all got stuck with Perry bad enough but this sicko. jeeezzzzzz

  5. Minor correction: Louie will eat you and then shoot you to get to that microphone. It hurts more that way.

  6. Sure glad Louie’s not ours. We have enough problems.

    From another comments list, in response to the inevitable questions about concealed carry, someone commented that it was indeed dark in the theater, but sooner or later the shooter would be hit in the crossfire…never mind the kevlar, of course.

  7. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    I was born around guns. All my family members owned guns as I grew up. 22s of all sorts, shotguns, 45 ACPs etc you get the picture. As soon as I turned 21 I applied to every police department in seven counties, one eventually hired me. I was so lucky to attend on the City’s dime FBI and DPS firearms training. On my own dime I traveled to Gunsite, AZ and took some of the very best civil handgun training available. And I never quit shooting handguns. So much that today I can’t hear much between 1000 and 8000 Hz.

    So comes folks like this crazy man, and many others, saying Oh well maybe the CCL holders in the audience should just take out your concealed piece and waste this scum before he hurts any more people.

    Heard that? Thought that?

    Not that easy. Try this scenario: what if there were a bunch of guys with guns, but only one active shooter. Then when the CCL holders reveal or the police arrive the other covert shooters begin shooting.
    Or this question, in the darkened smoky theater how do you tell the good armed guys from the bad armed guys, since the bad armed guys won’t have the courtesy to identify themselves?

    If push comes to shove I will take a life, but the child bride and I know full well the $hitstorm that will follow. So my personal attorney is himself a former peace officer, just so we can speak the same language.

  8. Umpty Dump says:

    Lets see, Louie, am I getting your drift? Were you meaning to say that because these negligent moviegoers didn’t have the good sense to be carrying concealed weapons … that they somehow deserved to get shot and killed? Is that what you really meant to say, Louie? Don’t hold back there, fella!

  9. Once again, for the gazillionth time:

    November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas

  10. What is it with the Texas Republican reps? We’ve got one of them heckling the president during the State of the Union address, another wants to cut us all loose to “Root hog or die.”, yet another cavorts around in duckie PJs. Now this baloney? I could go on, but why dredge up more humiliation?

    Grow up, y’all. Just because you can flap your gums doesn’t mean you need to.

  11. The most dangerous place on earth is between that mans ears.

  12. MCPO RET says:

    Sure would be a nice surprize if every TV station and newspaper editorial from Nacadoches to Tyler to Marshal, Longview and Texarkana would wake up and tell East Texans that this idiot represents THEM, not Texas.

  13. ks sunflower says:

    Wow, Louie on the loose again. Shouldn’t he be vaccinated and on a leash with a nuzzle?

    Since when are Judeo-Christian values better than those of any other faith or even of those of no formal faith? Both Jewish and Christian religions have bloodthirsty and violent histories. Both have killed people for just not believing as they believe because, they are, after all, just belief systems of fallible and flawed humans. Every religion has its dark side. Sorry, but it does. To go around with a “holier than thou” attitude simply indicates to me that little Louie does not know much about his own religion.

    I mean Christ has mostly been characterized as the Prince of Peace, the religious savior who said “turn the other cheek.” It is is his followers who have tortured, ostracized, and killed in His name. People of any religion can fall short of its ideals, but particularly, like Louie, those who cannot connect the dots and who do not understand the basic tenets of the faith.

    Louie, where in “Thou Shalt Not Kill” does it say, except in darkened theaters or when being shot at? It doesn’t. Making exceptions only gives us the false sense of security and forgiveness. The commandment itself does not allow for such exclusions or deviations. Louie, Louie, Louie, get thyself to a Bible study class that is not taught by ignorant self-serving scared folks. Look to the meaning of your faith not the dogma your leaders have taught. You might actually gain some spiritual insight.

  14. ks sunflower says:

    Oh, and I joint in Juanita Jean’s admonition to Louie: shut up, Louie, just shut up. You are shaming yourself, your party and your state as well as your religion by parading your ignorance.

  15. aggieland liz says:

    @ks sunflower: there’s a place too where Jesus asks the 12, “Do you think I have come to bring peace?” and then talks about families being torn apart because of Him. I think he goes on to talk about us asking that the mountains fall upon us and the hills cover us – and that will be in the green wood, not the dry…I think the fig tree’s buds are swelling, for you others that find Jesus words of interest.

    I have since heard that this may have been spurred by dear little Rush spewing about the character Bane in a film that has been in production for years being a veiled attack on Mitt Romney and Bain. So if you want to talk about people who should just shut the hell up and who need to be killed, I offer that pile of fat oily excrement as exhibit A; he is far more harmful than Louie “no, no, listen to ME” Gohmert!

  16. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Every time I hear someone make the argument that the solution to gun violence is for more people to carry guns, I think about how Wyatt Earp handed out guns to everyone at the city limits and forced them to be armed in order to stop all the shootings in Dodge City.

    Wait? What? He took their guns AWAY when they came to town. Had he no respect for the 2nd Amendment? Was he some sort of socialist hippie peace creep?

  17. I seem to remember a certain story somewhere in the Christian Scriptures where Jesus tells Peter to put away his sword and draw his gun. I think it’s right after Jesus says “if you’re not with us, your against us”, but before He says to pour hot coals on the head of your enemies.
    I don’t attend the same church Gohmert attends, so I have a hard time mis-remembering the Bible.

  18. Is there anyone running against this idiot in November? I would love to make a contribution to someone running against this idiot

  19. I don’t think the “Right to Keep and Bear Arms” includes tear gas and automatic rifles… I may be wrong.

    But one thing I know for sure…… this guy ……. who did this horrible deed in Aurora, Colorado…….. in a movie theater…… and killed innocent children, and their parents…..

    is in no way, no how, any part of a “well regulated militia”….

    I also know that but for the people who advocate that we go back to the wild, wild west…. and everybody packs a gun…… I know this…..

    Aurora, Colorado would never have happened.
    Columbine, Colorado would never have happened.
    Gabriel Giffords would still be sitting in the United States House of Representatives.

    How far back do I need to go?????? How many more incidents do I need to cite?????

    I think you get my point.

  20. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Apparently the character Bane appears in Dark Knight Rises and the Nazi gasbag spewed on his show that if his name is Bane it MUST be an attack on Willard…. Wow!

  21. NuckFewt says:

    My friends, remember, we have a few nutz here in Minnesota too. Can you say Michelle Bachman? She’s a fruit loop extraordinaire! However, I do have to say that Texas does take the fruit loop prize over Minnesota!

  22. Louie thinks the real tragedy was that there were not even more weapons in the theater. No tragedy that a 24 year old has a semi-automatic weapon, which would normally be used for what purpose living in Aurora, a city of 285,000 people?
    Don’t forget the crossfire Louie.

  23. JuanitaJean, is there crazy juice in the water down there? Does he drink straight out of the Brazos River?

  24. MCPO RET says:

    The nearest running water to Louie is Sulphur Creek.
    Tell you anything about his drinking water?

  25. Are Louie Gohmert and Phil Graham related. They sort of look alike, and both men seem to be famous for trampling anyone between them and a microphone or camera.

  26. Momma, I apologize in advance.

    I just read the article in the Huffington Post. I don’t go there much anymore. I closed my “account” with them long ago…….. I don’t read the National Inquirer, or the Drudge Report, and Huff Post was getting to be so much like a super market tabloid, that I just quit reading, and quit commenting.

    But, after reading what Louie Gohmert has spit out all over the internet…….. could I just ask one question?

    What the hell does Batman have to do with God????

    Sorry Momma.

  27. I saw a tweet this morning from someone who was in the theater. He was responding to the argument that people with guns could have taken him out. This guy has a concealed handgun license but wasn’t carrying a gun in the theater. But he said there was no way anyone could have safely stopped him with a gun. After all, the killer did have a bulletproof vest and a helmet. And then there’s the fact people weren’t sure how many gunmen there were. Anyone else could have been shot if somebody thought he looked like an accomplice (a lot of people were wearing costumes). Anwhir several people start shooting, how do you know who the bad guy is? Also, while its a tragedy 12 people died before he was arrested, it is a good thing he was taken alive. Usually these guys take their own lives or are killed before people can find out what would drive a person to do this. Now maybe this time we will have some answers for this sad, senseless crime.

  28. aggieland liz says:

    Think I owe everyone an apology, my friend was musing away in a “wonder if” fashion, but he had just been reporting some things he had read this am and some others he had heard (on NPR- a Michael Conelly interview and I LOVE Terry!), so little Lizzie got confused – doesn’t take much.

    This is probably just another garden-variety alienated soul who decided he couldn’t get famous -he was quitting a PhD prog-so infamy, ignominy, notoriety, etc, would do in a pinch.

    He’s broken, I feel terrible for his family, and have wept over the victims – here I go again 🙁 More than enough sorrow to go around. At least the FBI and local cops and his poor family didn’t get blown up looking for him. Really grasping here 🙁 🙁 🙁

  29. Sam in Kyle says:

    I can hardly wait to see the spin the NRA puts on this tragedy. I still remember when they had their convention shortly after Columbine and Charlton Heston made his infamous “cold dead hands” comment.

    I like target shooting when I can but I know from personal experience that no one knows how they’ll react when faced with with the option of using a weapon. Guns in the theater could have increased the death toll by 4 to 5 fold. In 2006 officers on the NYPD had a “hit rate” of 28%. How would civilians like me or you do any better?

  30. He also said on that same radio program that ALL the military suicides have been among the 2% of Atheists that serve.

    More likely it’s the proselytizing from commanding officers, a lack of proper mental health care for returning soldiers and mutliple tours of duty one of the other without much down time between.

  31. Ralph Wiggam says:

    A concealed handgun may keep one safe from the second shot, but I prefer to be protected from that first shot.

    An arms race on the streets is not going to make the world safer.

  32. Miemaw asks: What the hell does Batman have to do with God????

    Well, the character of Bruce Wayne/Batman is played by Christian Bale, so since his first name is “Christian”, it must be a reference to God (or something like that). Also, the director is Christopher Nolan, whose first name starts with “Christ”, so there’s another reference. Third, they did 3 Batman movies together, so there’s the Holy Trinity: QED.

    Oh, I forgot the Morgan Freeman is in the movie as well, and he once played God in another movie.

    Thus, this movie is a serious allegory for the sufferings of Christianity through the ages. It’s so obvious!

  33. I have to wonder if the people who “own” Louie called him right after the tragedy and told him what to say and how to say it. While Louie may be dumber than a fence post, it just seems more likely that someone has bought and paid for his services as a mouthpiece. Do we know who owns Louie?

  34. Karla Furr says:

    Yes! A qualified candidate is running again Gomer Gohmert. She is Dr. Shirley McKellar of Tyler.Please help her get elected!

  35. Given that the NRA is so concerned about gun rights for everybody, do you suppose they realize that 12 people in that theater had their right to own guns taken away from them permanently?

  36. grannygrey says:

    You all do know that the sleezbag George Zimmerman told the media and Trayvon Martin’s parents that “it was God’s will” this week. Any wonder why I have serious issues with Christianity as they like to call it today.

  37. TexasEllen says:

    The NRA is perfectly willing for infants, children, and innocent bystanders to die for their second amendment rights.

  38. I copied the Huffington Post piece and then I found Louie’s Facebook page and wrote: You are a real piece of work, Louie. The folks in Texas are ashamed of you” and then I pasted the entire column. I didn’t go back to his page to see what kind of snide comments were made or if it was deleted because Louie probably doesn’t like being called “a real piece of work.”

    There is nothing on TV except the on-going info regarding this horrible situation … 12 dead, 50 injured! It was reported Holmes had almost full body armor or protective clothing on … it made sure he was protected! So glad the cops got him at his car … he didn’t even try to get away but surrendered! And his apartment fully boobytrapped … that boy has serious problems!!

  39. tyrone byrd says:

    Rep. Gohmert’s comment is quite sad and shameful. In a time for mourning and sympathy, he makes such a ridiculous statement in an attempt for a political edge(i.e. rally support).
    I grew with guns and do think that they need to be more closely regulated and practiced. Because we have not yet as a society, the chickens are coming home to roost, and society is paying a very heavy cost.

  40. Kay Carrasco says:

    And then there’s a response like this. Fred Clark, Slacktivist on Patheos:

    I weep for my country. I weep. I couldn’t stand it without the belief that there are more Fred Clarks than there are Louie Gohmerts.

  41. @Kay Carrasco, amen.

  42. Kay Carrasco says:

    Errata: The quote I posted above (#39), while found on Fred Clark’s blog Slacktivist, is actually taken from remarks by President Obama in response to the Aurora tragedy. While Fred Clark is one of the most brilliant and eloquent writers I’ve ever followed, the words are not his. My apologies.

  43. Corinne Sabo says:

    Louie obviously doesn’t read the Bible. Starting with Cain & Abel, it is one of the most violent books in print.

  44. Sgt. Mike #7 is right. There were armed cops on site, and to their credit they went INTO the theater while the shooting was going on. But they concentrated on getting people out. Sane people don’t fire lethal rounds into a crowded, confused room even though I guarantee you they wanted to and probably had weapons that would get the job done. That’s how they are trained. They go toward the trouble, they don’t make it worse, they try to save lives, and even if they have a clear shot they will not fire unless they know exactly what is near and behind the target.

  45. Gohmert also lost it at a hearing with DHS Sec. Napolitano and GOP Rep. Lamar Smith had to tell Ghomert to behave

    As Rep. Gohmert continued to get heated, Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) had to step in and make the congressman tone down his anger.

    During the latter portion of the congressman’s allotted time, he repeatedly interrupted to accuse Napolitano of avoiding straight answers. “These kinds of insinuations demean the committee,” a frustrated Napolitano said at one point. “The insinuation that I or my staff would allow someone who is a terrorist to infiltrate –”

    Rep. Gohmert interrupted to insist he was making “no such insinuation” and that he has met Elibiary, “a very nice gentleman.” Eventually Rep. Smith cut the congressman off, with others shouting “he’s out of order!”

  46. aggieland liz says:

    You know, it’s a real sign of the sickness that pervades our political discourse when an elected official turns a horrific tragedy into a grandstanding opportunity. Every sane human should be ashamed he is one of the species; every sane American should be shocked and dismayed; every sane Texan should be appalled; everyone who cast a vote for him should be mortified. He ought to get a call from the Bishop of his Diocese (oh yes, another anti-abortion Catholc – yeah, we should be hanging OUR heads too, I know I am) telling him a thing or two about giving scandal, but that is way past praying for…

  47. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @Mr.B: Thanks. “Gun control” is more than a two handed grip and a Weaver stance. Deciding not to take shot is as important as taking it.

  48. Remaster says:

    Louie is a disgrace to all mammals on the planet! I picture him as the kid sitting at his desk picking his nose eating his boogers! It’s impossible to believe he managed to graduate from any elementary school much less Law School. I’m sure the Chancellor of that school is investigating how they managed to graduate him.

    Fortunately, I don’t live in his district. Unfortunately, I live in Rep. (Dr.) Michael Burgess’ district. He’s another piece of work.

    I feel proud to be able to say that I may live in Texas but by God I was educated in Alabama:)

  49. rubymay says:

    I tried to send this idiot an email to his official site, but they only accept email from his district. Sadly, I live in Washington State. What a complete moron. The people who continue to vote for him are brain dead. The “christian” right, I presume. I echo the sentiments of other readers — what do guns have to do with Christ?!? I consider myself to be a Christian, but I don’t understand where all the hate comes from with people who proclaim themselves to be Christian. If Christ returned today, I doubt He would be a “christian” (notice I didn’t capitalize His name).

    By the way, we have a number of guns in our home, because my husband has been a bird hunter since his youth. Still, if any of you watched Ron Reagan on MSNBC today, I agree with his “Last Word.” Just because the Constitution gives you the right to own a gun, it doesn’t mean you have the expertise and ability to claim that right. Just like driving — pass the tests.

    I’m so sorry for what you have to live with in east Texas. I have to live with similar idiocy in east Washington State. But you really do deserve the “You’re the Nuttiest State in the Union” trophy for this day. Take heart! Another state will take it away from you soon.

  50. Kerry in SATX says:

    For some reason, I wondered if the guy advocating just a bit more than shouting fire in a crowded theater might be connected to another arms-related entity.

    In the meantime, speaking of laundering, I think someone ought to wash Mr. Gohmert’s mouth out with soap…
