Shuddup, Louie. Just Shut The Hell Up, Dammit.

July 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When I saw the headline that said, “Aurora Shootings Result Of ‘Ongoing Attacks On Judeo-Christian Beliefs,” I knew who said it without even reading the story.

The most dangerous place on earth is the area between Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert and a microphone immediately following a tragedy.  Louie will shoot you and then eat you to get to that microphone.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Friday that the shootings that took place in an Aurora, Colo. movie theater hours earlier were a result of “ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs” and questioned why nobody else in the theater had a gun to take down the shooter.

During a radio interview on The Heritage Foundation’s “Istook Live!” show, Gohmert was asked why he believes such senseless acts of violence take place. Gohmert responded by talking about the weakening of Christian values in the country.

Oh dear Lord.   In the second sentence Louie says …

Gohmert also said the tragedy could have been lessened if someone else in the movie theater had been carrying a gun and took down the lone shooter. Istook noted that Colorado laws allow people to carry concealed guns.

Because nothing quite says I Love Jesus  as well as a gun.

So, here’s Louie’s solution to gun violence:  we need to return to God and the way we return to God is by carrying a gun.

Louie made the devil giggle this morning.

No thanks to the dozens of people for the heads-up. Sorry, guys, Louie is a damfool.

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0 Comments to “Shuddup, Louie. Just Shut The Hell Up, Dammit.”

  1. Kerry in SATX says:

    post script–maybe Mr. Gohmert isn’t actually connected…but he might be and according to his logic (?) that’s just as good.

  2. Houston Bridges says:

    So glad you’re still around sharing your quick wit and sharp tongue with the world. Molly Ivins is looking down on you with loving approval.

  3. John Moffitt says:

    I hope that I don’t associate with anybody who cannot see what an idiot we have in East Texas.

  4. 1toughlady says:

    Could he be a bigger gomer? I’m beginning to think Louie is really the Man from Mars in the old Blondie song, who shoots you dead and eats your head. He’s certainly far enough out there!

  5. It’s bad enough that this loon is an ignorant, incompetent imbecile; what is worse are the danged idiots who keep voting for him!!!!!

  6. Another Jo says:

    Apparently Louie missed the part about how the shooter was wearing full riot gear from head to toe including helmet, gloves, neck protector, vest, groin and leg protectors. I’m sure those theater-goers who should have been packing heat would have made great targets for him when they jumped up and started blasting away!

  7. cairocat says:

    I just watched LouieLouie’s froth-at-the-mouth performance at Secretary Napolitano’s appearance before the Homeland Security Committee.
    Previously, I had accepted Miss JJ’s characterization of Rep. Gopher after reading various quotations of his she has so kindly put up on this site.
    After actually seeing–and hearing and hearing and hearing–“the gentleman from Texas” (do you think the committee chairman practices his gag response before saying that?) I am at a loss for words. And that doesn’t happen to me very often.

  8. Rekster says:

    Some interesting information from

    Some donors: Berkshire Hathaway, what’s up with that.

    Koch Industries, duh.

    Brookshire’s Groceries

    Thought that was interesting.

  9. old Rusty says:

    As a former Marine infantry rifleman during the Vietnam war I have had some experience with small unit firefights at night. Mr. gopher’s fantasy is that a citizen as a champion of justice woul rise up in the dark and with one well aimed shot, guided by providence I guess, would have taken Mr. Holmes down clean. What if there had been 10 citizen champions of justice spraying at what they thought was the correct gunman. Not only bringing danger upon themselves, but more importantly the people their stray rounds may strike.
    Well armed citizens shooting in a horrible situation made exponentially more horrible.
    Limits, please. Some balance, please.

  10. Jim Vincent says:

    In response to Louie saying that armed citizens could have lessened this disaster: last I checked, when you carry a gun there is not a big cartoon balloon above your head saying “Good Guy” or “Bad Guy.” Someone might want to ask Louie how the heck me and my gun can figure out who to shoot when the crossfire intensifies? If I had more hair I’d stop by the beauty salon, it can’t be as dangerous as being within earshot of Loose Lips Louie. peace….
