Shuddup! Just Shut The Hell Up!

September 19, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so a General in the United States of America military told Trump about the “wall” being wired with sensors but asked hm not to tell anyone about it because that would make it easy to sabotage this massively expensive electronic system.

And what does Trump do?

Standing in front of the press with all the engineers, border security people, and the aforementioned General, it went something like this.

“They’re wired, so that we will know if somebody is trying to break through.”

Turning to Lt Gen Todd Semonite, chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Mr Trump added: “You may want to discuss that a little bit, general.”

But he was told: “Sir, there could be some merit in not discussing it.”

Oh hell no. Trump wasn’t having any of that.

To nervous laughter from officials, Mr Trump continued: “Ok. I like that. That was a great answer. I’ll just tell you they’re wired, ok? They’re wired. They’re technologically very advanced, all set up for cameras any place we want.

“They’re all wired out for drone technology. Anything you want, we have.”

The fence posts themselves are steel tubes, filled with concrete and rebar and topped with flat panels. ”It’s the Rolls-Royce version,” Mr Trump said.

And the lesson for today is … if you want someone to break or destroy the wall, let Trump tell them how to do it. Then he can build another wall.


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0 Comments to “Shuddup! Just Shut The Hell Up!”

  1. Loose lips make walls ineffective.

  2. “I’m the presidant and I know stuff u don’t! And thass wat’s important hear! Not sacur — uh — sicor — uh [consulting with Pence] SECURITY! [HEY! I GOT IT!] What’s impurtent is that I KNOW! And I can proov it by telling you wat I know! See how emportent I am???”

  3. There’s apparently some real push-back from the military about the money taken from needed projects to build that stupid wall. If Dolt 45 thinks the military will keep him in power after he loses the election, he might want to reconsider that idea, too.

  4. A new use for duct tape?

  5. @ Mike 1:
    No problem, he’ll just blame Obama and Hillary and the press. Problem solved.

  6. What?
    Trump didnt bring the schematic, held high overhead for the cameramen complete with Sharpie circles drawn around critical points embedded in the wall?

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Oh if only a doctor would whisper to him that he has dementia and don’t tell anyone . . .

  8. Papa@5
    I have a bumper sticker on my truck.
    “Not even duct tape can fix stupid.
    But it can muffle the sound.”

  9. Good Lord, I didn’t realize he went on about wires after the guy told him to shut up. From now on he should not receive this sensitive info.

    Grandma Ada: right on!

  10. OT Salesmanship, its a thing.

    You should see Beto grinning. He has a good reason to, because:

    (Colt Firearms just announced they’re stopping production of AR-15s: …)

    Colt suspends production of AR-15 for civilian market
    WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Gunmaker Colt says it is suspending its production of rifles for the civilian market including the popular AR-15. Colt’s chief executive officer, Dennis Veilleux,…

    Possibly even of the year…
    View image on Twitter
    2:47 PM – Sep 19, 2019
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    5,325 people are talking about this

  11. thatotherjean says:

    Oh, lord. Stop telling Trump anything important. HE CANNOT KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT. Tell him a secret, and he has to shout it to the world. I had hoped that the military brass knew that, but apparently word hadn’t reached the supposed builders of the wall.


    the matter under scrutiny involves Ukraine’s president, Biden, Biden’s Son, Giuliani, Manafort, the DOJ, and Individual Orange. Extortion of Ukraine’s leader and the 2020 election

    This key new detail, if correct, all but completes the puzzle at the center of a swelling dispute between the White House, the Justice Department, the intelligence community, and Congress. Here’s why.

    The Post had previously reported that the whistleblower’s complaint, which is being kept from Congress in apparent violation of the law by top Trump officials, concerns a “promise” Trump made to a foreign leader. The New York Times built on this reporting by saying it wasn’t just a single promise or phone call in question but a series of “multiple acts.” Now both outlets confirm that Ukraine is involved.

    So assuming that the leader who received the promise is indeed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky — which isn’t confirmed by the reporting, but is a natural inference — what could Trump have been promising him?

    We don’t actually have to speculate much to see a plausible story. Rudy Giuliani, the president’s attorney, has been open about a campaign to pressure Ukraine to open investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden and events related to Trump’s 2016 campaign manager Paul Manafort, who was accused by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of being an undisclosed agent of Ukraine. As part of his effort to influence Ukrainian policy in a way that could clearly influence the 2020 election, Giuliani even worked with the U.S. State Department, as he has admitted.

    But this apparent effort to ratchet up pressure on Zelensky seemed to escalate over the summer when the White House tried to delay military aid to Ukraine. Last week, Trump finally dropped the delay and released the funds following blowback from Congress.

    Read the rest of it for yourself.

  13. Someone ought to keep a charged cattle prod handy, right behind that traitor, and any time he even begins to blab something, just jab his big fat butt with it. Even Donnie would quickly learn NOT to say things he shouldn’t.

    What a maroon.

  14. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Dementia. Pure and simple (emphasis on simple). He did NOT score well on the MoCA….I’d like to see his test sheet. (Just like I’d like to see his transcripts and tax returns.)
