Shuddup, Bush

August 17, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wanna see the most disgusting and pathetic thing you’ll see all day and just get it over with?

Former President George W. Bush said late Monday that he and former first lady Laura Bush had “been watching the tragic events unfolding in Afghanistan with deep sadness.”

Holy crap. Holy damn crap.

He also says that our troops in Afghanistan “kept America safe from further terror attacks.” No, no, no Cowboy, you can’t stand on the 911 stack of rubble for eternity. You  made this mess and now you want to criticize somebody for trying to clean it up?

And suddenly Bush has all this love for refugees?

The United States government has the legal authority to cut the red tape for refugees during urgent humanitarian crises. And we have the responsibility and the resources to secure safe passage for them now, without bureaucratic delay.

Oh, but not those from South and Central America?

Bush, you are a piece of work and I don’t freeking care how much candy you give Michele Obama, you are still a war criminal and I still want to impeach you.

There, I feel a little better.


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0 Comments to “Shuddup, Bush”

  1. It seems that Gov. Bush (yes, etiquette decrees that is the proper form of address for him) thinks his reputation has been rehabbed because he was not a terrible as the former guy. As usual, he is wrong.

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Bush needs to stay home, be quiet and paint more third rate pictures. I worried that my son might be drafted when Bush started this mess and now I have a grandson who is approaching draft age in a few years. I don’t want him drafted either. Osama Bid Laden was found in Pakistan for goodness sake – Afghanistan was just a place for lots of our money to disappear!

  3. He’s still trying to get out of Hell. Ain’t gonna happen….

  4. Nick Carraway says:

    We are witnessing the downside of not going after Bush administration officials. Suddenly, 20 years later we have a number of people that have forgotten. What a pity.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Former and current QOP elected ones are beyond the pale*. (* whatever that means – it seemed more Mama safe then the other words rattling around my brain). Dubya sat dumbstruck during the ***king moron’s** 4 years of abject stupidity and corruption. Now he finds his tongue? BTW you’re still dumb, Dubya.

    What next? Dubya and Darth Dick riding point for the Liz 2024 rehabilitation train to perdition. Seems inappropriate to describe those who have no shame as shameless hypocrites. There has to be a word for all this revisionist history that is neither trite nor socially unacceptable or inaccurate. And, it would be?

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    While his “mission accomplished” speech was about Iraq, it was the beginning of his personal Middle East wars that will never be undone. The Iraq war never ended and whatever his Afghanistan vision was, it too, could never be accomplished.
    Bushwhacker strikes again.

  7. Bob Boland says:

    Jane & PKM – the word that springs to mind is “liars” who tell “lies”.

  8. $$$ The Bush/Cheney crime family went into Iraq for the Oil $$$ and world dominance. The reason we got a Trump was because Bush and the extremist Republicans were never held accountable for mass murder and numerous other political crimes.

    Here is CIA’s top man in Europe calling Bush a liar on 60 minutes…

    “When no weapons of mass destruction surfaced in Iraq, President Bush insisted that all those WMD claims before the war were the result of faulty intelligence. But a former top CIA official, Tyler Drumheller — a 26-year veteran of the agency — has decided to do something CIA officials at his level almost never do: Speak out.

    He tells correspondent Ed Bradley the real failure was not in the intelligence community but in the White House. He says he saw how the Bush administration, time and again, welcomed intelligence that fit the president’s determination to go to war and turned a blind eye to intelligence that did not.

    “It just sticks in my craw every time I hear them say it’s an intelligence failure. It’s an intelligence failure. This was a policy failure,” Drumheller tells Bradley.

    Drumheller was the CIA’s top man in Europe, the head of covert operations there, until he retired a year ago. He says he saw firsthand how the White House promoted intelligence it liked and ignored intelligence it didn’t:

    “The idea of going after Iraq was U.S. policy. It was going to happen one way or the other,” says Drumheller. ”

  9. Margo Murdock says:

    Not about the oil…they have LITHIUM!

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Bob Boland @7 Liars and there lies is an accurate assessment of the QOP. But how do we indict them for the corruption and evil inherent within their lies?

    As Margo Murdock @9 surmises, it’s greed. First it was the oil, then the pipeline, now the lithium, and probably the CIA still has purpose(s) with the heroin. Greed. All about grabbing another country’s resources for their own personal greed with taxpayers subsidizing the wars that come along in support of that greed. No lie too vile to tell to grab the money.

  11. This piece is on CNN today. I think it’s a really good analysis. And the abandonment in the headline refers to Bush as much as anybody IMHO.

  12. Opinion pieces from CNN or others are just another example of Monday morning quarterbacking when they don’t have to worry about the consequences of their words or actions. I think our president…well, I will take his words and actions over theirs.

  13. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is doing a presser now and is GREAT

  14. Sandridge says:

    Can’t stand Dumbya, it was actually the Cheney-Residual Reaganite White House cabal in charge.

    OT: But on to an important Texas issue [and elsewhere]:
    The COVID19 courts tug-of-war continues. Here’s an excellent opinion piece by a longtime Texas journalist, Rick Casey:

    “In COVID war, Texas Republicans side with the enemy” :

  15. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Lex #8: it WAS an intelligence failure…and the low intelligence was in the Oval Office.

  16. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Barb in DC@14 & Jane & PKM@5:

    “Pale” from the Latin “palus” stake or limit.

    The paling fence is significant as the term ‘pale’ came to mean the area enclosed by such a fence and later just figuratively ‘the area that is enclosed and safe’. So to be ‘beyond the pale’ was to be outside the area accepted as ‘home’.

    Catherine the Great created the Pale of Settlement in Russia in 1791. This was the name given to the western border region of the country, in which Jews were allowed to live. The motivation behind this was to restrict trade between Jews and native Russians. Some Jews were allowed to live, as a concession, ‘beyond the pale’.

  17. Pakistani nukes are the foundation of this whole mess.
    Can’t attack them, they might bite. There will be more blood.

  18. AK Lynne @ 12, I agree with your statement. Both sentences. But my takeaway from that piece is confirmation that our President chose the best course of action available. There were no better ones.

  19. Barb in DC, thanks for that link. Cool site!

  20. Just to be clear, I meant our CURRENT President chose the
    best course of action available.

  21. George W lit the match that he held to a 20 year long fuse, and today, finally, he watches with deep sadness?

  22. Bush is and has always been a rePUKEian ahole out for himself and no one else.

  23. Thanks Margo Murdock and Jane & PKM, I forgot about the heroin and lithium connection! Bush and the Neocons were also advocating for complete global dominance as stated in their Neocon ‘Project for the New American Century’ think tank. These Freedumb! loving white supremacists were power hungry Risk/Monopoly board game extremists. First conquer Iraq, then attack Iran, then who knows… conquer, control and own the whole world!

    ‘Project for the New American Century

    PNAC’s policy document, “Rebuilding America’s Defences,” openly advocated for TOTAL GLOBAL MILITARY DOMINATION.
    Many PNAC members held highest-level positions in the George W. Bush administration. The Project was an initiative of the New Citizenship Project’

  24. Sandridge says:

    lex @24, AKA, PNAC = “the Cheney-Residual Reaganite White House cabal” that puppeteered good ol’ Dumbya [kinda like Putin puppeteered Comrade Donnei].

    Afghanistan has many more resources beyond heroin and lithium.
    That’s why the Chinese have maintained a steady quiet presence there for a long time, as we acted as the ‘police’.
    They won’t put up with much Taliban bullshit if it endangers their access to Afghanistan’s resources, before they slide in and eradicate those religious fanatics once and for all.

  25. Dauntlessly devoid of any useful density between the ears. Surprised? No.

  26. Sandridge @ 25, Thanks for Chinese info! A quick google check mentioned they want the Iraq oil as well.

  27. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Read today that the Chinese were mocking the US saying our transition out of Afghanistan was smoother than our transition out of trumpf. Not far off.

  28. OMG my apologies to everyone. So sorry I confused Afghanistan with Iraq! Can I blame it on a senior moment, my deep resentment for the Bush Cartel or just plain dumb?
    Heck no, Benghazi!!! and Clinton’s emails made me do it!
