Show Us Your Bone Spurs
I have a new hero today.
Since John McCain is alive and living well in Donald Trump’s brain, Trump felt the need to attack McCain on the campaign trail this week, saying that he was “never thanked for McCain’s funeral.” Dude, you took the flags up from half staff the day after the funeral instead of waiting for a week. It took everybody hollering at you over it to get you to lower them again. Yeah, thanks a bunch.
Ex-Senator and Navy SEAL Bob Kerrey promptly requested of Trump, “Show us your bone spurs.”
Mr Kerrey demanded to see x-rays to prove the president really had the condition that allowed him to sit-out the conflict in south east Asia where McCain served as a pilot and was held captive in Hanoi between 1967 and 1973 after being shot down on a bombing raid.
I think that’s what every response needs to be over Trump bashing McCain.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.