Should We Giftwrap Greg Abbott’s Paycheck?

February 08, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Greg Abbott is the Attorney General of Texas.  It is his job to defend Texas in lawsuits.

Not so fast.

Apparently, Mr. Abbott cannot find the courtroom.  So far, the taxpayers of the Great State of Texas have paid $1.4 million for lawyers – even some from Chicago, for goodness sake – to defend screwing minorities out of state and congressional seats.

And here’s the other news – that’s probably just the tip of the iceberg.  We haven’t even gotten a bill from the lawyer who argued it to the Supreme Court and Lord knows it costs a pretty penny to buy Scalia and Thomas.

Republicans tell us that Texas is so broke that we can’t afford none of this fancy-pants public education stuff.  By, by gawd, we can afford lawyers to keep this state 100% Republican.

It’s amazing to me that Republicans can always find money if it’s something THEY want.

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