Short and Sweet

April 27, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My friend Jeanne just sent me the following email.

Trump’s 100 days have been terrible even President William Henry Harrison had a better first 100 days and he was dead for 69 of them.


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0 Comments to “Short and Sweet”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    OMG … that is just too funny!! Thanks for a good laugh!!

  2. Yeah, Trump would also be doing better if he were dead. His brain already is.

  3. I had a girlfriend many years ago who’s great-grandfather was William Henry Harrison. Even though he died barely a month into office, they were still extremely proud of him.

    In 50 years time Trump’s descendants are more likely to change their name back to Drumpf, as their own person witness protection program.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Rick, that’s too risky. The remnants of the Donnie ‘dynasty’ who cannot be indicted, impeached, imprisoned or deported need to be spayed/neutered as any part of a plea agreement to spare their miserable lives.

    Remember. Jughead Kushner was was relatively young when he took over for his crime family. Did he learn?

  5. Maybe Donnie will take this recommendation under advisement for his second 100 days.

  6. Tilphousia says:

    So funny. All the same funny as it may be having a brain dead orange zombie in the White House isn’t good. Traitor trump knew exactly what he was doing when he became Putin’s puppet. He knows that his agenda will destroy our democracy and doesn’t care. He is in the White House to enrich himself at our expense. Traitor trump and his family of grifters must be stopped and punished for crimes against the people of the United States. Ditto for the evil soulless creatures in his cabinet. And pense is the worst.
