Shooting the Hostage – Or Not

April 13, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Healthcare

Welp, no one can accuse this president of being consistent.  In fact, the only consistent trait Trump possesses is inconsistency.  His administration swerves from ditch to ditch worse than a drunk driver on a three day bender at the local watering hole, and this week’s swerving has been epic.  Yesterday, in an interview with Fox Noise Business, Trump reversed himself from putting tax reform cuts first to going back once again to urinate on people who need healthcare.  Then, in an interview with the WSJ, he declared that he’s going to “force” Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to negotiate by cutting off federal Obamacare subsidies, which will destroy the program for millions of poorer Americans.

Let’s get this straight – Trump who is already holding poor Americans hostage is now threatening to kill those hostages to force the Democrats to the table.  What a dumbass (sorry, Momma).  If the ACA fails on Trump’s watch destroying Trump’s voters’ health insurance, guess what happens in 2018 and 2020?  Yep, you guessed it, ol’ Dandy Don Meredith will be heard singing “Turn out the lights…” to the GOP.

The real tragedy here is that Trump and the Knuckle Draggers have painted themselves into a real corner here by chanting the “repeal and replace” mantra for 7 years.  All of Obamacare’s problems can be solved if only an adult stood up and stopped the nonsense.  For instance, Alaska solved its problem of skyrocketing premiums by diverting some tax revenues to supplement money being paid out by insurance companies to the sickest insured Alaskans.  The result?  This year’s premium increased dropped from 42% to 7%, and Obamacare continues to function.  The state is also setting up a reinsurance fund to stabilize its market.  Alaskan elected officials are considering introducing legislation to federalize the program.  How novel – working to actually fix a problem rather than burning it down.

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