She’s Baaaaaack

May 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I go on a cruise and Ted Cruz drops out of the Presidential race.  Can I go on a Trump?

I was in Mexico and heard stories about how much American are hated because of Trump.  I wish I’d brought a tee-shirt that said, “Hey, Amiga, I Hate Trump As Much As You Do.”

By the way, I discovered that you can buy a three bedroom casa with a swimming pool on the beach in Yucatan for $150,000.




So they way I figure it, if Trump is elected President, I can live well in the Yucatan.  Also on the plus side, Trump’s gonna build a huuuge giant wall just to keep all the rednecks and rightwingers out of Mexico.  I’ll even send him a thank you note for that.

I notice this morning that Rick Perry, Dick Cheney, and Bob Dole all endorsed Trump.  That’s the brain and morality trust of the Republican Party.

In fact, Perry is practically begging to be Trump’s Vice President.  Oops and Poops – what a ticket!


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0 Comments to “She’s Baaaaaack”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    Welcome back, JJ, but you’ll probably wish you had stayed in Mexico a lot longer … the BS is flying thick around here!!

    Happy Mother’s Day, Sweetie!!

    Fasten your seatbelt ’cause the ride is gonna get a whole lot rougher!!

  2. Happy Mothers Day and welcome back.

  3. Welcome back JJ!

    Now we find out which Republicans have any integrity at all and put America’s welfare before party. Imagine my surprise at finding that Baby Bush is in that category (so far). Sorry about Dole, but Perry and Cheney no surprise.

  4. M in El Paso says:

    Welcome back. You were missed (even though your replacement is witty as can be). And Happy Mothers Day to you!

    Love the Oops & Poops! Can’t we make that a national thing? At least a Texas thing?

  5. maryelle says:

    Oh that house in Yucatan looks so beautiful. They may experience a yuge invasion of Yankees if Tyrant Trump succeeds. Nice to hear that Drumpf now wants the RKlan to burn in hell. That’s something we’ve been wanting for oh, so long too, unfortunately the country might go down in flames with him in the WH.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mrs. B.! Welcome back and Happy Mother’s Day!

    Since you have been on vacation, I’ll forgive you for that awful banner, “She’s Baaaaaack.” That could have meant $carah, or select any number of dreadful snacilbupeR choices.

    Whereas, a banner of “I’m Back” is good. We love having YOU back. daChipster and Tio Primo took good care of us in your absence, but while being great hosts, they give lousy haircuts.

  7. maggie says:

    You were missed! And you left us in very good hands! Luv ya!

  8. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    Yeah, Trump is flip-flopping on every topic, it seems. They even suggested he flip-flopped on minimum wage… But that is all talk and no action because there would be 500 really happy hospitality workers at Trump Casino Las Vegas if he were serious,
    It’s going to get harder and harder to keep track of all the Trump Lies as time goes on.

  9. slipstream says:

    So you’re probably wondering about that big hit on your credit card.

    To begin with, mariachi bands don’t come cheap. Then it turns out that you are a remarkably generous tipper. Maybe the tequila had somewhat to do with that. Then after we blindfolded PKM and he took a swing at the pinata, but missed and went all the way around and kinda sorta maybe clobbered e platypus onion there might have been some medical expenses. Sure, yeah, let’s call them that.

    But you do have to appreciate how neatly we cleaned the whole place up again before you got back.

    Don’t look under the rug.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    You cruise, you lose Cruz or something like that. Too bad you didn’t lose Cruz at sea. Self respecting fish would have tossed Cruz back out of the ocean eventually.

    Pleasant thoughts on Mother’s Day with no Mother-only memories.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    slipstream, e platypus onion was nowhere near the piñata or the penguins. You’re repeating his version of what he says to cover for his having been bunny bopped.

  12. Larry from Colorado says:

    I want to know more about the $150K 3 bedroom place on the Yucatan.

  13. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Just moments before I got here, I was reading about how her 1/2-term governorship was yowling about how she will help to “Cantor” Paul Ryan in ihe primary. So when I saw “She’s Baaaack”, I was expecting to hear about that. I didn’t. Welcome Baaaack!

  14. slipstream says:

    Oy! Don’t remind me about the penguins!

  15. Yes, Happy Mothers Day and welcome back.

  16. Larry, ya gotta watch out for hurricanes and rising sea levels on the Yucatan. There have been some very dangerous weather events there. Just sayin.

    As for me? Vancouver, BC is where I’ll go to flee Drumpfishness. I’ve been to Vancouver and it’s a gorgeous city, seriously.

  17. Hey! How’d I get under this rug?!

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Does Yucatan still make chewing gum? Anybody remember it, besides me?

  19. RepubAnon says:

    Sarah’s fishing for the VP slot as well… Wonder if she would stick it out for the full term.

  20. Aggieland Liz says:

    Take up bridge and you can bid No Trumps…constantly! Welcome home, sounds like it was fun!

  21. @JJ

    I wouldn’t look closely in the closet nearest the front door either. An appropriately dressed waste removal team should be there Monday. Remediation should be complete by Wednesday with minimal re-construction anticipated.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    mike from iowa says:
    May 8, 2016 at 1:50 pm
    Palin does have experience losing as Veep candidate. Can’t wait for the left hooker and other Palin brats to kerskuffle with Drumpf’s mindless thugs. Be a real Donnie brook, you betcha.

  23. maryelle says:

    Geez, slipstream and Micr, I thought we agreed to keep quiet about the you-know-what. And, Rea, I thought I checked under that rug.
    I am so glad you’re back, J.J, your minions ran amuck.

  24. charles r. phillips says:

    @maryelle Yeah, but the party was Yuuge!

  25. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m sure all of you have heard by now that Drumpf is now inciting his minions to riot, telling them that Hillary is going to take away their 2nd Amendment rights, she’s coming for their guns and bullets … you know, it would only take one of each to be rid of this problem!!

  26. e platypus onion says:

    I’m with Debbo on Vancouver. A former leading men’s magazine used to find lots of beeyooteafull ladies in Vancouver. Just beware it is a hotbed of biker gang wars. And bears-lots of bears.

  27. @epo

    So Vancouver can be on my short list, but it gets down to another b, which is baseball. And hockey, must have hockey and beisbol. Could not care less if it has basketball, american football or association football. I’m ok with the other b’s = bootifulls, bikers and bears. Oh and beer must have beer. Like Guinness stout. Oh and rugby of one kind or the other. Oh. And motor car racing.

  28. okie-dokie says:

    Welcome back Momma!

    Some people like Mexico. My plan B is retiring earlier than I had planned and moving to the Philippines. I can deal with typhoons and earthquakes. However, they seem to be electing a knock off Trump who is promising to kill corrupt cops and drug dealers.

  29. Welcome Home……….let the fun begin!

  30. 1smartcanerican says:

    Debbo and others who love Vancouver. Just a mention that you will need to take lots of money with you as real estate in Vancouver is super duper expensive! That said, I totally agree – Vancouver is a beautiful city.

    Welcome back JJ! Glad to have you home. That place on the Yucatan looks fabulous!

  31. Larry from Colorado says:

    Puerto Vallarta is my choice for January and February since 1987.
