Sheldon and Rick, Sitting in a Tree, C-A-H-O-O-T-I-N-G

May 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that Texas Governor Rick has joined the ranks of Sheldon Adelson’s 72 virgins.

Perry wants to be President.  Adelson wants to stop internet gambling so his casinos can grow.

A match made in heaven, I say!

Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, waging a new campaign to ban Internet gambling, is deploying a state-level political network he has been quietly developing over the past few years.

Florida’s Rick Scott has already been bought and paid for.

The same phrasing used in Scott’s letter had appeared word for word in letters signed a few weeks earlier by two other Republican governors, Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Rick Perry of Texas.

We already have convince store gambling in Texas with the lottery and you can even buy your scratch-off tickets out of vending machines, so Rick can’t be opposed to gambling.  Personally, I think that Rick has arrange a deal that every time a cowboy says, “Betcha I can lasso that calf,” Sheldon Adelson gets a dollar.

And when Sheldon asked Rick his name, Rick replied, “What do you want my name to be?”

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Sheldon and Rick, Sitting in a Tree, C-A-H-O-O-T-I-N-G”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Old Shellie keeps passing out money to GOPig governors. He should change his title from Hotel & Casino owner to HO-tool owner.

  2. Origuy says:

    Sheldon Adelson has more money that God; more money than he or his five children will ever be able to spend. Yet he wastes the remaining days of his life with the likes of Rick Perry and Rick Scott. I will never understand people like that.

  3. maryelle says:

    Adelson is the modern day equivalent of the plantation master, buying and selling people at whim. And these Republican morons are only too happy to lick the cow poop off his boots.

  4. Goodhair has nothing to offer Adelson. The horse and dog tracks have been trying for years to get more gambling approved and have been unsuccessful. The will not be any expansion of gambling in Texas and so Goodhair can not promise to block internet gambling in Texas. Adelson is not stupid and I doubt that Adelson will take Goodhair seriously.

  5. maggie says:

    Kyle, I agree. This sounds more like a photo op with a dash of gossip.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Uncle Shellie Sugar envisions himself as a pontiff of sorts. He loves to summon the clowns to kiss his, er, ah, uh, ring. Only his ring isn’t on his finger, it’s the antique one to the rear of his silk boxers. The amount he gave Christie and Rmoney was not disclosed to my knowledge. So maybe pRick picked up some chump change. The call guys were at the big dinner; street walkers like pRick are content with their chump change. How did Palin miss this grifting opportunity?

    *** Breaking News *** Maybe Shellie doesn’t like women?

  7. Marge Wood says:


  8. Zyxomma says:

    This has absolutely nothing to do with internet gambling, Rick Perry, or Sheldon Adelson.

    Tomorrow at 3 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, I have an interview for a job in my field, after a full year of struggling to keep the roof over my head. Please send good vibes! Thank you.

  9. Zyxomma!!!! Vibes of course. But knock it down with your talent. Of course we’ll vibe, keep our fingers crossed, etc. Seriously hope this company is worthy of you!

    Neh, neh, I can’t get into why you are SO much better than Shellie Addle-brained and his trained GOPigs. Promised Mama, Juanita Jean and my own Mama not to use those words. But on the down low, gohmert is an example.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Methinks JJ mispelled arse kissing,aka brown nosing, in headlines.
    Zyx-will send vibes through your friends up North.

  11. maryelle says:

    Just found out that Adelbrain and the Kochroaches are major contributors to PA Republican Gov. Tom Corbett. They appear to be propping up every R running this year.

  12. 1smartcanerican says:

    Zyzomma, you got this! Sending good vibes your way.
