She Seems Nice

October 12, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I don’t know where this is but it’s surely south of the Mason-Dixon.

I flat love my Ring doorbell.  However, I bet this woman wishes she had opened the door to this one-woman-superspreader spitting venom on the porch so she could have whacked her upside the head with a potted plant for violation of the peace and decency state laws for her vile language and trespassing laws and the real estate threat code.

Now if you listen to this very carefully, you can hear a man’s voice in the background saying, “I’m gonna have to call you back…”

Have you noticed that she ain’t even got any pearls to clutch?

Thanks to Kary for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “She Seems Nice”

  1. Harry Eagar says:

    Wee bit drunk. How early in the day was it?

  2. Bob Barrall says:

    Unfortunately, sounds like they have an HOA. Although, I am curious if there are any tRump signs up in the neighborhood and if she went to piss and moan about those. I suspect there are and she has no complaints about them. God give me strength.

  3. One too many mint juleps.

  4. Sandridge says:

    Methinks that the MAGAots and Trumpanzees might be reading some polls and getting a bit edgy. Even the FuxNoox and Rasmussen polls have Biden way ahead and Kamerad Donnei losin’ his ass.


  5. Sandridge says:

    Oh yeah, HOAs kind of suck. Often the worst busybodies in the ‘hood gravitate onto them and make hell for everyone else.

  6. Bob Boland says:

    Not sure about the state where this took place but when I lived in Virginia, HOA’s weren’t allowed to prohibit campaign signs during election season. Freedom of speech you know.

  7. Wonder how this person likes being on the net?

    IIRC, a woman in a St. Louis suburb had an anti Viet Nam war sign either in her yard or window many years ago.. The city told her to remove it. A giant pissing contest resulted. Did it go to the SCOTUS? Anyway, we can have political signs and no HOA can stop it. All kinds of rules have been made by all kinds of villages. townships, cities, yada yada. But it is a freedom of speech issue.

  8. Q: What do you call a whole group of Karens?

    A: A Home Owners Association.

  9. She certainly knows how to put the ass in neighborhood association.

  10. G Foresight says:

    Here’s another suburban sign war (1 minute video). More to come, most probably.

    I agree the HOA is toothless on this 1st Amendment protected sign usage.

  11. Harry Eagar says:

    Crone, quite right. When I lived on Maui a HOA tried to fine an owner for flying an American flag. That did not go over well.

  12. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Dear Lord, deliver me from the Yard Police. We avoided all neighborhoods with either gates or HOAs when buying a home. As long as there’s no rooster living next door, I’m fine with whatever.

    Just finished replacing candidate signs that have been stolen by the rethuglicans here…they must have taken some trouble to do it, because the wire frames were left, and I had the dang things stapled on!

  13. I too thought that they couldn’t ban political signs, at least within a certain time period before the election.

  14. The Surly Professor says:

    Howard @3: with many years of experience, I can tell you she wasn’t drinking mint juleps. Those require multiple ingredients and mixing. Nope, she was on the cheap vodka they put on the bottom shelves, knowing that dedicated drunks will find it no matter where it’s located. Plus, if the customer is down to the crawling on hands and knees stage, it’ll be right at eye level.

    After a certain point, even pouring it from the bottle into a glass is too fancy and fiddly. Nope, just tilt back the head and pour it straight down.

    Now “section FIVE POINT TWENTY” is gonna be stuck in my head tonight.

  15. Chloe Bear says:

    Thankfully she did not set it on fire

    People across the country have lowered themselves to trump’s level and I do not understand it.

  16. charles phillips says:

    Chloe Bear, I think you do. Understand it, I mean. I’m a geezer, a junior league geezer, but a geezer nonetheless, and I can tell you in great detail about all the times over the last 40 years–since Reagan–in which politics has gotten ugly all across the country.

    It’s not been worse in my lifetime than it is right now, but life is change, progression, and this is not the penultimate moment, no, not yet. Wait for that a month or so.

  17. thatotherjean says:

    @ charles phillips #15

    At 73, I’m probably more of a geezer than you, but I have never seen a nastier, more divisive election season than this one–except possibly 1968. It is likely to get worse by Election Day, though. Still, I’m voting early, in person. My husband is voting by mail, but I refuse to be intimidated.

    About HOA’s and Karens: I’m incredibly lucky in my neighbors, and our HOA. I have a Biden/Harris yard sign, and have had zero trouble, and even a few “Hey, I like your sign!” comments. I hope all those folks get out and vote.

  18. HOA can be a mixed bag. I live in a populated Texas county. Counties in Texas cannot make ordinances without special permission from the lege.

    A HOA is the city council in much of Harris county. If you want a wrecker yard or working ladies settled in next door buy in a neighborhood with no HOA. I kid not. My last home was in a small subdivision of 4-5000 square foot houses. We had the 2 rentals occupied by ladies of the evening. They were good neighbors, but the traffic at night was noticeable.

  19. Chloe Bear says:

    Charles Phillips I actually do not get it. The woman in the video, like so many others, is so filled with hate and clearly thinks her actions are appropriate. She and others have decided that they are the law and order and are justified.

    I do understand how one piss poor leader and social media can help propagate the hate and lies. I do not understand how many can follow and act so inhumanely.

    I will be traveling to NC to be a poll observer something I have done for multiple elections in different states. This year I will be wearing a ballistic vest. I do not understand why I need to wear PPE other than a mask in America.

  20. Advertisement for installing a fire hose at the door!!

  21. Harry Eagar says:

    Opinionated Hussy @ 12 You must be a city girl. When we bought our house on Maui the neighbor next door was a chicken fighter who had had 76 roosters. The people we bought from had sued him and made a settlement limiting him to 36. That settlement did not run with the land so he went up to about 60 or so when we moved in.

    We knew enough to make sure we were buying upwind.

    Besides I kept a rooster and a few laying hens (barred rocks) myself. And we figured we saved about $50,000 on the sale price.

  22. I was bad. Really bad yesterday.
    I drove by a mini Trump rally.
    There were about 50 max.
    Standing side by side yelling for Trump.
    Not one mask among them. ( We had 17 cases of Covid in my county last week). Law in NY requires masks when you cannot social distance
    I digress.
    Between the Trump signs and no masks, I lost it.
    I gave them the 1 finger salute.
    I did.
    And I was stopped at the light. So it was a good, long salute.
    I was a little ashamed.
    But not much
    But I am glad I did not end up on some social media thing!

  23. Sandridge says:

    Diane @23, That’s what I have a sunroof and 38″ sleeve arms for, that bird gets up there ;] .

  24. I was very tempted to attend the regular Sunday afternoon Trump train parade in my town with a sign “Endorsed by the Klan and the Taliban”.
    My first thought on Section 5.20 was preemption: Constitution, Amendment I.

  25. Pearls, no not wearing any at that moment. However, she is dragging her psychological fainting couch behind her! What a twit!!!

  26. Crazy Quilter says:

    I live on a corner of a cul-de-sac and a connecting street in my subdivision. The cul-de-sac has two homes with Biden signs. No republican signs.
    Across the connecting street the majority of homes have Trump signs and flags. I didn’t even want to open my curtains because they made me so tired to look at them. I debated about putting up Biden and democratic signs for several days. My daughter finally brought 4 and I put them up so everyone who drove down that street could see them.
    I waited to see if they would get stolen or defaced. Yesterday morning I looked out and some nice person had inserted a small American flag in the top of the Biden sign. Thank you to whoever placed that flag. It flies bravely in the wind and is an inspiration to me

  27. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I’m a little late reading this but as I recall, our HOA had a similar sign policy. But the threatened lawsuit is baloney on rye because the HOA was the only entity that enforced the rules. Actually it was the woman from the management firm that drove around in a fancy car and looked for violations. It took her a good 2 weeks to notice that someone had painted the garage door to look like a USA flag the week after the World Trade Center went down.
