She Fought The Law and The Law Won

March 18, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita apologizes for being a tad busy for the past 24 hours.  It seems that our local lame duck Democratic Party secretary reacted like a nuclear power plant on meltdown day, sharpened up her claws, painted on her fibbing face, and floored it in neutral upon word getting out that  that she’d been busted for voting in the Republican primary.

She contended that she made no secret of the fact that she voted in the GOP primary.  And that she’s just “volunteering” to help with the county Democratic convention process.

Which was exactly what we’d been hoping she’d say.  Busted again.

“You know, this ain’t my first bear hunt,” Juanita grins.  “I don’t know much, but I do know that catching a bear is easiest if you set a trap.”

“Bless her heart, she walked right into it.  She overreacted to what I wrote about her and got so worked up that she was only about half an inch from questioning my whereabouts during the Kennedy assassination. Hot damn!  I won the $20 bet that she would do it within hours.”

Under the Texas Election Code, something you’d think the party secretary might have read a time or three, she’s broken the law.  And by saying that she made no secret of voting in the GOP primary, she’s also implicated the lame duck county party chairman in this ongoing criminal enterprise.

162.014. UNLAWFUL PARTICIPATION IN PARTY AFFAIRS.  (a) person commits an offense if the person knowingly votes or attempts to vote in a primary election or participates or attempts to participate in a convention of a party after having voted in a primary election or participated in a convention of another party during the same voting year.

“You know,” Juanita smiles, “she’s only been a Republican for two weeks and she’s already learned to lie and break the law.  I envision great success for her as a Republican.  She’s found a good fit.”

“I ain’t springing the trap yet because this hunt is not over.  I’ve always wanted to hear a Republican holler ‘calf rope’ and I think my chance is coming.  Meanwhile, she’s hacked off a whole troope of really smart Democratic women.  You really do not want to do that.”0

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