She Also Can’t See Lightning or Hear Thunder

May 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas State Senator Joan Huffman, Republican from Crap, Texas, says that the Texas Senate is going to go ahead and approve loosening of gun laws and open carry despite the bloodbath the day before in Waco.

“This bill does not have anything to do with what went on yesterday,” said state Sen. Joan Huffman, a Houston Republican who leads the Senate State Affairs Committee, during a previously scheduled hearing on gun legislation.

Yeah, and rain has nothing to do with flooding.

Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 8.57.12 AMHuffman’s comments came after several witnesses, including Austin Assistant Police Chief Troy Gay, brought up the shootout during their testimony on the bill.

Gay told senators that the “chaotic situation” in Waco could have been made much worse by the confusion an open carry law would bring to responding police officers.

Can you even imagine what would have happened if every yahoo in Waco joined  in that gunfight?  And you need to consider that 95% of the population of Waco carries the yahoo gene.

Appropriately enough, the head yahoo had something to say.

Later, gun rights activist CJ Grisham said that attempts to link the violence in Waco to open carry “really kind of falls on deaf ears.”

What doesn’t mention is that they’re deaf because they’re brain dead.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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