Shame on Will Hurd. Shame on Him.

August 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you ever entertained a nice thought about Texas Congressman Will Hurd, take it from your head and stomp on it.  Until this week, we thought Hurd was a Republican, but a fairly decent man who wasn’t one of those crazy Republicans.

We were wrong with a big red X.  We are lucky he’s leaving office.

Here’s his thoughts:

“While Hurd told The Post he objected to Trump’s racist tweets (“When you imply that because someone doesn’t look like you, in telling them to go back to Africa or wherever, you’re implying that they’re not an American and you’re implying that they have less worth than you”), he insists that he will still vote for him, the perfect pathetic encapsulation of Republicans’ moral vacuousness. They know he’s a racist, they know racism is despicable and anti-American, but, by gosh, he’s their man for president.”

So what Will is saying is that it’s okay if I’m an active raving racist just so long I also sell your vote to Russia, lie to the American people, steal the taxpayers blind with personal greed, and grab women by the pussy, you’ll vote for me.

“Perfect pathetic encapsulation of Republicans’ moral vacuousness.”  Indeed.


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0 Comments to “Shame on Will Hurd. Shame on Him.”

  1. How is anyone surprised at this?

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Will, any number of feckless cowards in the Republicon Party have waited until leaving office to speak a scintilla of truth about IQ4.5. You’re leaving, you’re still afraid, and you are still supporting him. It must really suck to be you.

  3. joel hanes says:

    Being a Republican means that tribalism trumps every other consideration.
    Party before country, before decency, before everything.

    Republicans want to fall in line.
    It’s what they do.

  4. Well he is a Repuglican. Doesn’t that say it all??

  5. LizzyMom says:

    He must have drunk deep of the koolaid.

    Unbelievable. Just…unbelievable.

  6. Lunargent says:

    To clarify:

    The quote from Rep. Hurd is embedded in a quote from an article by Jennifer Rubin, one of the most pissed off ex-Republicans you’d ever care to meet.

    I love her!

  7. Hurd mentality.

  8. Sandridge says:

    I stand corrected, have mentioned before that Hurd seemed at least a decent ‘old style’ Rethug. Obviously not, too in lacking in guts, courage to denounce Comrade Donnei.
    Hurd hinted that he’s leaving to go to a position involving ‘technology and national security’, so it might be a very long shot that RAT45 has selected him as the fallback DNI head [he did work for the CIA].
    Another possibility might be with one of the many security and surveillance companies located around San Antonio; all major government contractors.

    Beto O’Rourke has some ‘splaining to do, as he’s been best buds with Hurd, even taking a publicized roadtrip together.
    Beto also declined to endorse Dem Gina Ortiz Jones in 2018, who almost beat Hurd for the TX-23 House district, losing by only 926 votes, ~0.5%. Maybe a little help from Beto would have won it for Gina?
    Any comment K, is/was Beto one of your favorites?

  9. Just that fact that it’s one more opportunity to turn Texas blue, that’s good enough for me. How pathetic is it to be black and a Trump supporter? Sad.

  10. I really should proofread what I write before I submit…Just THE fact….

  11. thatotherjean says:

    Urgh. “He’s a racist who doesn’t think that people who don’t look like him are as good as he is–but I’m still going to vote for him, despite the fact that I’m one of those people.” It’s not a good look, Mr. Hurd. It makes you look a lot like a deluded fool.

  12. Perhaps, just perhaps, the alternative is even worse!

    Jes’ sayin’!

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    When I saw the quote, my first thought was “why the hell don’t reporters ever follow up?”

    Question 1: So no matter who the Democrats nominate, that person is inferior to Trump?

    Question 2: Other than having (R) next to his name, just how is Trump superior to Warren/Harris/Sanders/Yang/ … ?

    Question 3: If George Washingon or Abraham Lincoln returns and gets nominated by the Dems, they are inferior candidates compared to Trump?

    Question 4: (echoing thatotherjean) Do you ever listen to yourself?

  14. This is the core of the one really great contribution that Donald Trump has given to America. For once and for all he has exposed the current crop of movement-conservative Republicans for the cowards, liars, and corrupt grifters they are.

    Those sweet sweet tax cuts. Goes away if Trump loses.

    Those dreamy forced-birth-anti-gay judges. Goes away if Trump loses.

    The total intoxicating rape of the environment and natural resources for short term personal gain. Goes away if Trump loses.

    You get the idea. Social justice and personal moral integrity and for that matter Christian virtues are worthless trinkets compared to all that.

  15. megasoid says:

    Heard about El Paso. It happened in the state I live in and the state I was born in. No talking points, just wanted you to know most of us are aware Texans.

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Howard wins the Internets.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    It has been speculated that for each of these republicans, some of them fine people, will open up their seat to someone even worse.

  18. “Until this week, we thought Hurd was a Republican, but a fairly decent man who wasn’t one of those crazy Republicans.”

    well there’s your problem. a republican, any republican is, by definition, a scumbag. it’s what they are, and you ignore that at your own risk.

  19. Lemme try to figure this out. He rather does sound like one of those violently abused wives who knows her spouse isn’t human but what the hell she still loves him, even when she says this lying in a body cast in a hospital bed. Go figure!!!
