Shaking in His Boots

August 11, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Poor Joe Rogan. Joe, you know, is a right-wing podcaster with a huge ultra conservative following. TFG liked Joe up to the minute that he said some very positive things about independent presidential candidate RFK, Jr. It was kind of like he was endorsing him, but I don’t know, you tell me:

They gaslight you, they manipulate you, they promote narratives, and the only one who is not doing that is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [Kennedy is] the only one that makes sense to me.

The Orange Buffoon took great umbrage at this, and I can understand why – it certainly seems like an endorsement to me, and I thought TFG had Rogan in the bag. He must have thought so, too.

But maybe we should take a step back and recall that it was TFG surrogates who were pushing the Kennedy alternative. But that was to draw voters away from Joe Biden. Who better to vote for president if you won’t vote for Von Shitzenpantz and can’t vote for an aging but benevolent patrician? Vote for the guy with a dead worm in his brain because gaslighting isn’t in his playbook.

Makes sense to me.

Except the whole thing falls apart now after Democrats pulled the old switcheroo on the Teflon Don and nominated a completely new set of people to run against him.

TFG was not amused and, in a “truth” posted on his social network, decided that Rogan’s sentence should be to be “loudly…booed the next time he enters the UFC ring.”

I imagine Rogan is shaking in his boots.

0 Comments to “Shaking in His Boots”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This trio of misfits waste good breathable air. I think they should get in the ring and flail on each other.

  2. Sandridge says:

    DJT stock continues its downward spiral (ETTD):

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    To my comment @ 1, ad elin musk and make it a foursome of creepy people. And weird.

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    I’ve never before heard DJT speaking – I stopped watching TV back in 2002. But Tuesday I was trapped in a venue where his “news conference” was playing. Astonishing. What came to my mind was cooking. You ever make tuna noodle casserole (the height of my cookings skills), and open a cold can of cream of mushroom soup? You dump it into a pan and it quivers there, still holding the shape of the can, a grey gelatinous blob. THAT was the mental image that Tramp’s stream of consciousness blithering gave me. How can anyone, even the most ignorant alcohol-riddled geriatric case, think this “Yup, this is who I want leading the country”?

    The best I can say is that the folks at that venue eventually turned it off, and nobody was smiling or saying “he’s right”.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Speaking of musk and trumpf- failure to launch.

    Reminds me why I’d never buy a tesla or put it in self drive mode.
    And elon is trying to save the PAC that is going to win swing state electoral votes with another one of his billion $ failures. Talking about two malignant narcissists.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Ok, they got er going so Trumpf could strut (slur) his stuff. Impressive.
