Sex, Sex, and Gassy Sex

June 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This was bound to happen when the Christian rightwing took over the Texas Railroad Commission – where oil and gas are regulated, or not.  Their Public GIS viewer —

Click the little one to get the big one.

Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 10.13.08 AM


Lord, y’all.  I gotta get outta here.

Thanks to Lydia for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sex, Sex, and Gassy Sex”

  1. Ha! I almost missed it. Good one…

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Um, Susan? I am currently on “stoopid” mode. I don’t get this. What am I missing?

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    Thanks TTPT. I have to REALLY read the fine print.

  4. I missed whatever it is as well….

    Can I buy a vowel?

  5. They just can’t get away from it, can they?

    Micr, no, but you can probably buy a consonant.

  6. Got it.

    Sadly I have to type the word they were trying to type many times a day and wind up typing the word they typed. Your brain is your enemy on this type of proof-reading. That’s why you engage other younger eyes attached to a less polluted brain. I spose I could (try to) teach Micro$oft Word to fix it, but dealing with M$ is such a hopeless waste of energy.

  7. Took me a second reading, but got it.
    They are always obsessed with it, aren’t they?

  8. chloe bear says:

    Nearly every student of public policy makes that mistake once. Clearly it is spelled correctly so spell check does not catch it as an error but every prof does. I quickly learned to use the word search feature prior to turning in assignments.

  9. buskyandme says:

    When working as a legal assistant, auto correct saved my life! Just set up Word to auto correct your “FUN” mistakes automatically! Only downside, you have to take it off when you want to write porn!

  10. I wonder if an ultrasound wand is required to use the Pubic GIS Viewer.

  11. lunargent says:

    Ahh, there it is. At first, I thought that the joke was that, when you go to the page, it’s mostly disclaimers on how the viewing software might not work.

  12. LynnN, I wish there was a like button for your comment.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    What no public hairs on Coke cans? Where is Clarence Thomas when you need him?

  14. Someone is gonna need to clue me in on this one. Read it a number of times, but nothing stands out.

  15. Okay, got it. Pubic? Really people? Are we in fifth grade?

  16. Juanita Jean says:

    Obviously, I am, Mark J. 🙂

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Was in 5th grade the year JFK got whacked.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Okay I finally saw it after reading it ten times and reading y’all’s comments. Such an easy mistake to make. I’m glad I don’t make my full time living typing documents.

  19. @Mark J

    We are not in fifth grade, although I personally am stuck at aboot 14.

    What I do have is an expectation that official State of Texas documents, including websites, will be examined and re-examined and will be piss perfect before they are published. This head up the ass get around to it when I will attitude that has pervaded the State of Texas since oh January, 1995 disgusts me and fills me with a sense of dread in my day to day professional dealings with Austin.

  20. austinhatlady says:

    Took me a couple of readings, as well. Was thinking the issue would be with the word “gas.”

  21. Marcia in CO says:

    I had to “click the little one to get the big one” in order to see that there is an “l” missing!! I figured I’d click the little one and it would take me to a porn site or something … LOL

  22. Biggomama says:

    someone please tell me when and how a “problem” became an “issue”? i have a big problem with that!


  23. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    While it is difficult to review one’s own writing as we see what we anticipate, when using this particular one, it is a good idea to have another set of eyes look it over.

    As Micr said, a state government document should be totally correct in spelling and syntax!

  24. innerlooper says:

    @Mark J thanks / i was hung on gis vs. jiz its now there for the pubic to fingger out.

  25. @e platypus onion—I was in fifth grade when the USSR launched Sputnik 1, American Bandstand made its debut on TV, and Elvis purchased the mansion that became Graceland.

  26. e platypus onion says:

    Texas Trailer Park Trash- 🙂 (like)

  27. In the late 70s I taught a civics class to 9th graders. One of my most earnest students wrote a two page paper for the class. She wrote about “pubic” participation, how critical full participation by the entire “pubic” is, voting should occur in a “pubic” place, etc. It was hilarious! She was such a sweetheart, I never told her about her mistake. She would have been mortified.
