Seriously, ONLY in Texas

June 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ezekiel Gilbert is 23 years old and lives in Bexar County.  For those of you from foreign states, that’s pronounced Bear County and San Antonio is its largest city.

It’s not that Ezekiel is an unattractive man, but apparently he couldn’t get laid at the Chicken Ranch with a hen under each arm and a fifty dollar bill stapled to his forehead.

So, as any gentleman is apt to do on Christmas Eve, he hired a Craig’s List escort to come and, uh, trim his tree.

Lenora Ivie Frago showed up and took the $150 fee.  The tree trimming was not what you might call successful.  According to Ezekiel —

Gilbert testified earlier Tuesday that he had found Frago’s escort ad on Craigslist and believed sex was included in her $150 fee. But instead, Frago walked around his apartment and after about 20 minutes left, saying she had to give the money to her driver, he said.

That driver, the defense contended, was Frago’s pimp and her partner in the theft scheme.

So, he shot her.  In the neck.  She lived for seven months, paralyzed, before she died.

The jury found him not guilty.  You probably want to know why.

Gilbert’s defense team conceded the shooting did occur but said the intent wasn’t to kill. Gilbert’s actions were justified, they argued, because he was trying to retrieve stolen property: the $150 he paid Frago. It became theft when she refused to have sex with him or give the money back, they said.

Damn tootin’.  A man pays for something he don’t get and you expect him to call 911?  This is Texas, Honey, even ugly men deserve a little Christmas Eve hoochy.

Ezekiel thanked the jury for giving him “a second chance.”

Holy crap.

A second chance at what?

Thanks to Robert for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Seriously, ONLY in Texas”

  1. Juanita Jean,What is with the men in Texas; and is there Anything they can’t get away with?

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Listen, honey, wimmen in Tayuksis carry guns too. You don’t mess with nobuddy in Tayuksis. I really do think that guy would be cuter if he smiled. Makes you wonder what his come on was. “Come on darlin’ or else I’m gonna shootcha. Jist kidding.” Remind me to tell you the story about how I got out of jury duty once because I thought keeping a loaded gun around the house was pretty dumb (everyone KNEW the lady shot her boyfriend) and the lawyer didn’t agree with me.

  3. So Texas has capital punishment, delivered ad arbitrium, for petty theft?

  4. What is this? Crazy Republicans With Biblical Names Day?

  5. How much of this batcrab crazy stuff has been past since the hair guy has been in office? Just curious.

  6. *passed.

  7. Umptydump says:

    Had the Trayvon Martin shooting happened in Bexar County, George Zimmerman would never have been charged, let alone tried.

  8. Evidently Texas is willing to give some fat pig a second chance at killing another prostitute …

    Up here where I am, a councilman and a so-called “local artist” think it’s OK to beat up old folks after they’ve had too much wine at a winetasting … of course, they said the old folks started it!! Lots of crazy ass Repukes up here, too!! The 65-year-old lady got a black eye and a fractured hip … her 70-year-old husband was beaten up, too!!

    It is all just so disgusting!!

  9. Just exactly what did he think he was aiming for if his shot wasn’t intended to kill the prostitute that it was illegal for him to hire? Was he aiming for her legs, so she couldn’t scamper away with his life savings, and just happened to hit the neck? And a big boy like that needed a gun to wrastle back his money from a girl? He sounds to me like a sissy who can’t shoot, can’t get laid even when he pays for it, and a pig who needs to be charged with, obviously not murder, but maybe at least solicitation of illegal prostitution services.

  10. A second chance to do it all over again…

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    Bexar County juries are notoriously strange. I’ve served on 3 of them. That definitely proves strange.

  12. Damn, slowly and painfully killed for the “crime” of not actually being a hooker.

    I do not miss Texas.

  13. John Paffel says:

    Anybody hirin’ X’corts off a web-site should just ass ume he’s gonna git ripped off. No right to kill a person cause he didn’t git laid. Pretty lame stuff. The jerk should go to prison.

  14. Rubymay says:

    Well, maybe she refused to have sex with him after she got a gander at him and realized how repulsive he is. Maybe he shot her while she was trying to hand him a mirror and explain why all bets were off. I, too, am amazed that the penalty for a $150.00 theft is death in Texas and also, what’s the deal with the silent “x” and how come the “x” isn’t silent in “Texas?” Texas is a really strange state (a state of mind, really).

  15. maryelle says:

    He killed a human being.

  16. Aggieland liz says:

    Ya know, he got tried by a jury of his peers y’all. We have the public press report, but we don’t have the evidence, etc, and it would be VERY interesting to read the documents of record in this case! A jury, 12 people, and they acquitted him. Why?

  17. Katherine says:

    Now, lemme get this straight: if he paid for something and did not get what he liked, and did not get a refund, he can shoot the person for theft? Like, a bad meal in a restaurant? A Justin Bieber concert? The local rodeo? Ironman 4 or 5 or whatever? Just reminds me, seven generations of my family might have called Texas home, but not me, not any more.

  18. They should circulate this guy’s photo and information to all women. No girl would be advised to go out with him. I mean, he bought her DINNER and she didn’t have sex with him? That would be a deadly date, but, yet, somehow, OK in Texas.

  19. Great comments – particularly the “x” issue! Love this libtard professional political organization!

  20. RepubAnon says:

    So this guy shot and killed someone while committing the crime of soliciting prostitution. Isn’t that felony murder?

    Oh, and threatening someone with a gun because they refuse to have sex with you is legal in Texas?

  21. Steven Hernandez says:

    It is pronounced Be Harr….roll the r’s, H is a hard h ….exactly how long ago did you arrive in Texas? Was it last week? Bear? Is there even a county in the lower 48 with a county called Bear?

  22. So, let me understand this, if I want to buy something illegal and get ripped off, like buy a bag of dope, I can shoot the person who tried o scam me?

    I see by the picture the shooter was white, just what color pray tell was the lady who wouldn’t put out? That might explain a lot.

  23. My God! It was so obvious that this asshat was, as I once heard someone say, taking out the garbage! Too bad he doesn’t own a mirror!

  24. Sometimes, there just are no words.

    Good Gawd Y’all.

  25. Aggieland liz says:

    @ Steven H, most of the Spanish speaking folks I know pronounce Bexar “bay-ARR” or “vbay-ARR” but most of the non Español speakers say “BAyer” soft y, one syllable(or maybe 1.5, this bein Tay-ex-as, tho not long-VYEEEEEWWW) if that is of any assistance :D. And I suppose if they are lazy the schwa is even more pronounced (less?huh?!) and you get “behyer” which is a pretty long “bear”!

    Sorry y’all, language fascinates me 😀 also law, in a way-but more like arachnids!

  26. Jim in Laredo says:

    The Rude Pundit explains this case and 2 others.

    Not complicated at all.

  27. @Aggieland Liz @Steven H: I’ve lived in Texas well over half a century, and Liz has nailed the way the natives I know say “Bexar.” I suppose that native Spanish speakers might pronounce it more like Spanish would expect, but I’d bet that even they say it “bayer”/”bear” when they’re speaking English.

    We also call a major thoroughfare in Houston “San FILL-ip-ee” even though it’s spelled “San Felipe,” and in my hometown of Bryan, we get no “e” or “y” in the “Villa” of “Villa Maria.” (When I was growing up here, “Maria” often sounded more like “Marie,” too.)

    Spanish in Texas doesn’t sound much like Spanish anywhere else, I think.

  28. Steven Hernandez says:

    @Aggieland Liz, and djw: If you are really people and not just some kind of bot. Let me say that we are, for the most part, a kind and gentle people who will take pity on just about anyone. Ignorance is no excuse, to be sure, but one can call out the ignorance and still take pity on the ignorant. Why do you think we voted in the low fourtie’s for Bush the Younger?

  29. Ellen Childress says:

    It’s too bad the girl didn’t take his money, look him up and down very carefully, and then hand the money back and walk away. That would have really made him mad. He obviously has to pay for female attention, which means he is seriously flawed both inside and out.
    However, there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. So many Texans are shooting one another and their children that pretty soon, those of us who want gun control will no longer have to worry about those who don’t.

  30. Has there been any in-depth interviews of jurors and study of the court transcripts? Or is this something that is being ginned up to create a lot of pout-rage about Texas?

    I agree with Liz and we need more information than is currently available before making judgements. Prejudice (pre-judging) should not be something that marks the customers of the Beauty Shop. We are better than that!

    As to how Bexar is pronounced- my take on place names is to use the pronunciation of the natives i.e. Lima is Lee ma in Peru and L-eye ma in Ohio. Houston in NYC is house ton and yous ton in Texas.

    Pardon my attempts a phonic spelling.

  31. When i first saw this on the webs, i really thought it was from the onion. i still have a hard time believing it,,,not that he did it, but got away with it. i have lived in the Austin area since 1968, and thought i had seen all the racism, sexism, everything. What kind of people have we become. We are no longer a civilized society and may God have mercy on us…or not.
