Send In The Clowns

November 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some of our kind of people in Charlotte, North Carolina, heard there was going to be a white supremacy rally.

Some of our kind of people in Charlotte, North Carolina, taught the white supremacists that anyone can fly, but it’s the landing that will get you.

A white supremacist rally in North Carolina took a funny turn when protesters were outnumbered five to one by red-nosed, squeaky toyed clowns.

The rally, which took place in Charlotte over the weekend, was refreshingly small, with only about 50 protesters who comprised both the National Socialist Movement and the local KKK. More newsworthy were the counter protesters, who drowned out the hate group with horns and squeaky toys. Every time the protesters chanted, “White Power,” the clowns filled the air with white flour. One counter protester held a sign saying “Wife Power.”

There a video over here that you really need to watch.

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