Senator John Kennedy of the Dilapidated State of Louisiana

April 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Senator John Kennedy went on CNN to add dignity and honor due the United States Senate under Republican rule by mocking House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal.

Said Kennedy —

“Chairman Neal, powerful man, head of Ways and Means, I know he’s an adult, but I don’t think he’s like a real adult. He says that he needs Trump’s tax returns, he says it’s policy not politics.”

“I can’t believe he really thinks the American people are going to fall for that. It must really suck to be that dumb.”

Spoken like a real adult.


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0 Comments to “Senator John Kennedy of the Dilapidated State of Louisiana”

  1. Buttermilk Sky says:

    At least he didn’t call Neal a big doody-head. He’s virtually a Republican intellectual.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    It’s pretty typical Republican moral relativism thinking. They don’t think in terms of possible illegal or immoral actions. Instead, they view everything in terms of their political power: how to expand their power, and harm their political opponents. That’s why they think it terrible to investigate Trump at all – they don’t care about anything but winning elections.

  3. One of these days it will become routine for interviewers in these encounters to ask the follow up question: “would your position on this be the same if the president was a Democrat?” Or some variation.

    Then, of course, when that situation actually comes about they can’t do any interviews without reviewing that tape first.

    Just a fantasy I know….

  4. Have family in Louisiana. At first, I gave this guy the benefit of a doubt but he just lost me. Family in Louisiana embarrassed by this kind of thinking. Ain’t long range or deep which is what the state needs. There must be some brainy living people down there but I think they are hiding out. Look who gets elected year after year. Did like that lady senator they had for awhile. At least she broke up the monotony.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    John missed the chapter on logic and math. IQ 45 has deals & debt with Saudi Arabia, Russia and other countries among those with whom he must now as pResident fashion foreign policy. Not that the ‘mere’ change of the Ukrainian plank at the Republicon convention should raise concerns, or that Donnie’s comments that North Korea’s beaches would be great places to throw up a few pieces of trump tower trash are worrisome. Then there’s Jared fishing for 666 support dollars in Saudi Arabia and Jared’s sister trading visas for dollars in China, while Ivanka brought home a few Chinese special trade deals for herself. Nah. No worries. No reason to examine the tax returns of every scam damn member of Donnie’s crime organization.

  6. I want to see Trump’s 2019 tax return after it’s filed. I bet my refund he lists Sen. John Kennedy as a dependent.
    Symbiotic Parasite is probably the more accurate term, but with Trump’s tax accountants, that’s close enough.

  7. Old Fart says:

    People tend to lash out when they feel threatened. Maybe the GOPs are feeling the heat of the light of reason…

  8. BarbinDC says:

    He doesn’t seem to know–no does Dolt45–that there’s a law on the books that Congress has the right to see anybody’s tax returns. It was in response to the Teapot Dome Scandal under Harding.

    Seems surprisingly cogent today, doesn’t it?

  9. Louisiana. Isn’t that what some people call Southwest Mississippi ?

  10. I wish every single Democratic voter would email the White House and ask to see Trump’s taxes.
    And to release the Mueller report, unredacted.

  11. maryelle says:

    As Yosemite Sam might say, “Sufferin’ Sycophants”.
    Their perceptions are those of toddlers, viewing everything through the fog of an under developed pre-frontal cortex, blindly following their pack leader.
    I will be emailing the White House. Thanks, Diane for the idea.

  12. slipstream says:

    He’s no John Kennedy.

  13. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    There must be something that they are afraid to have known both in the 1040 (promised to be shown after the election) and the special counsel’s report. Oh, and his grades at NYMA and Penn and Fordham. The truth will out.

  14. another instance of someone opening their mouth, and definitely removing all of what little doubt was left.

  15. MaryAnne says:

    Maybe the people will wake up,elect a Doug Jones.

    Kennedy was selected, not elected if I remember correctly.

    The media loves Kennedy because he cracks dumb jokes.

    Talking about some one else being dumb! Shees!

  16. maryelle says:

    EMAIL the WHITE HOUSE! Ask for AG Barr to release the full Mueller Report to Judicial Committee and for the IRS to release Trump’s taxes to the Ways and Means Committee. Takes seconds. They won’t, but they should know that American citizens want this done.
