Seems To Me We’ve Heard This Song Before. It’s An Old Familiar Score.

August 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Will Hayden is the star of “Sons of Guns,” a reality show on the Discovery Channel.  He also owns a custom weapons company. Wiki says …

Sons of Guns is a reality television series that airs on the Discovery Channel. The series centers on Red Jacket Firearms LLC, a Louisiana-based business that manufactures and sells custom weapons. Will Hayden is the founder and owner of the shop, while his daughter and business partner Stephanie manages the office.

As on the Discovery Channel series MythBusters, this show practices a degree of self-censorship and safety-consciousness. Each episode begins with a staff member (usually Will) warning viewers not to try anything demonstrated on the show at home.

Well, here’s something else you shouldn’t try at home.

Will Hayden has been arrested for child molestation and “crimes against nature.”   He made his $150,000 bond.


Thanks to Lorraine  for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Seems To Me We’ve Heard This Song Before. It’s An Old Familiar Score.”

  1. As always, Madam DuQuesnay Bankston, your appreciation of schadenfreude-y caramel-and-chocolate coated (with chopped nuts, whipped cream, and maraschino cherry, of course!) hypocrisy makes my day.
    I can almost hear Will Hayden singing to the kids,
    “This is my rifle, this is my gun,
    This is for fighting, this is for fun.”

  2. As George Takei would say – “oh myyyyyyyyy”.

    Crimes against nature? Hey rednecks let’s go over this one more time. Anything with four legs should never be referred to as your significant other.

  3. Not sure what “crimes against nature” they mean, but I’d love to charge BP and a load of other grotesque polluters with that.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Rhea, I’m with you. Crimes against nature should be levied against the Koch brothers and their sidekicks. This guy should be locked up or something.

  5. I read about this last night, apparently it’s a dispute with an ex-girlfriend. I don’t have the source right now, but it was reported that the child that he was accused of molesting was released back into his custody. That would tend to indicate that the authorities don’t lend much credence to the report, although in a small Louisiana town anything is possible….

  6. Nothing I have seen from this guy’s TV persona would lead me to trust him to the care of any living thing. Although the whole “crimes against nature” thing surprises me.

  7. Fred Farklestone says:

    I’d seen that show once or twice and I just figured he was just wound up way to tight from inhaling burnt gunpowder!
    Was it a young boy, young girl or farm animal that he was caught with, anyone know?

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Weird Willie could use a little time in a gym. Could give him a heart attack in a chase, before he could aim and fire his ammo-substitute.

  9. Elizabeth2 says:

    I don’t think much of him or his show, but maybe we should keep in mind that “charged with” doesn’t mean “convicted of.”

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    @Fred … probably all of the possible subjects you asked about.

    I’ve never watched this guy nor do I ever intend to watch!!

  11. e platypus onion says:

    This explains crimes against nature in Loose eanna. I’m guessing it was with an animal. Interesting read.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    My wife said she was cutting me off forever. I said impossible dear,you don’t know where I’m getting it. Here,Queenie. Time for our walk in the woods. Good girl. Now tell me how you like it. Ruff,ruff.

  13. I don’t want to know… for child molestation and “crimes against nature.”…I have no clue who this idiot is but if he has a teevee show I guess it’s ok? Maybe back ground checks should also apply for reality show fools, but what the whatever could I possibly know or something, Bengazi!

  14. well…if you do a bit of research, “Crimes Against Nature” in Louisiana include BOTH ORAL and ANAL sex with another human being even though that stance has been deemed unconstitutional by the US supreme court.. All you jugheads who immediately went to the gutter with bestiality need to take a step back.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    The unnatural carnal copulation by a human being with another of the same sex or opposite sex or with an animal, except that anal sexual intercourse between two human beings shall not be deemed as a crime against nature when done under any of the circumstances described in R.S. 14:41, 14:42, 14:42.1 or 14:43. Emission is not necessary; and, when committed by a human being with another, the use of the genital organ of one of the offenders of whatever sex is sufficient to constitute the crime.

    Doesn’t leave mush room to speculate,does it Bob?

  16. Personally I think that ammosexuals are a crime against nature. They also tend to kill a lot of it.
